Softball tryout Already.

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Aug 29, 2011
School is starting August 5th, here. That makes everyone really busy. Nationals for B league is August 1. There is hardly time for lessons, practice, games and school, too.

wow, that is early. Is that normal around the country these days. I think we start up just before labor day.
Jun 21, 2010
I'm always surprised when I hear/read about girls trying out for more than 2 or 3 teams. It seems like a lot of work/stress.

It is a lot of work but not too stressful. DD was relieved she got an offer, as did another of her teammates--same team, not the other two who got offers from another team DD plans to tryout for today.
Only one true 14U 99 team out there in our area. All the rest are '00. For some reason there is a lot of re-shuffling of the girls and I think the coaches know it and want to make the offers asap.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
It's the same in NE Ohio. There are a lot of quality organizations as well as start up TB teams in our area. Because of this, many teams are offering tryouts as early as August 5th with one organization's tryouts already over. They are trying to get their offers out to the best players early that may be shopping teams for various reasons whether it's team drama, losing record, parental rose colored glasses etc. etc. That way they don't have to worry about their roster when it comes time for fall ball leagues/tournaments. Many will hold open their 12th spot for that "stud" player and if it falls through, will take a "diamond in the rough" as a project player to coach up but this usually doesn't happen until either the October or February/ March migration ends and they don't find that stud player.
May 18, 2009
My DD was asked by a couple teams to do fall ball. Their schedule started the day after ours ended. My DD needs a break. I need a break. We decided on karate lessons instead of typical sports.

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