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Jun 22, 2008
Makes me wonder if simply rounding of the edges of the plate would be a good safety idea. No need for it to be a hard edge 90 that I can think of.

I have never seen a plate with a 90 degree edge, the black portion of the plate is always beveled at an angle down to the dirt.
Mar 28, 2013
All I can say is that what the umpires told us, and I've been at many games where the plate is either muddy or its a little wet out side and the umpires told both teams sliding only, I'm not an umpire I don't know. passing on a experience that I thought might be worth filing away for some. I to was in the slide only when necessary camp but just not so sure at home now. seen some sprains caused by sliding but never a foot twirling around held on only by the skin. everyone is free to do what they want.

Other than causing him/her to sweep the plate due to an unnecessary slide, why in the world would an umpire care? Run through the base and get the hell out of the way would be my preference.
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Jun 11, 2013
I've posted before, but we did have an ump call our player back before to clean the plate off when she slid with no throw(She did expect a throw, just didn't come). I have seen more people get hurt sliding than not unless the plate is wet. Anyway hope the friend gets better soon.
Mar 28, 2013
If a ump called my player to clean the plate after a slide all hell would brake loose as far as I'm concerned. and yes this was at south king county and I was there.
Jun 11, 2013
Ours happened in Sacramento area. It was the top of the first in the first game of the weekend. We let Tourney director know, but couldn't argue too much as we had 5 more games.
Mar 28, 2013
Just texted and found out it was a triplane fracture(what ever that means)They are sedating her right now and trying to reset the bones anatomically correct. if they go back correctly they will cast it. out quite a few months. She is a great young athlete hope to see her back on the field as soon as able.

Have you heard how is she doing? For as much pain as she was in, she held it together very well. Were they able to just reset it and cast it?
Aug 21, 2011
38°41'44"N 121°9'47.5"W
Thank you for the update. Give her our best from the AB organization. I was the opposing coach out there with coach Hardy trying to keep her comfortable until the EMT's arrived.

The game prior, the opposing team had a girl go down in the outfield with what they were thinking might be an ACL injury. I'm still waiting to hear on her status.

Very sad to see that happen to these kids.
Mar 28, 2013
We enjoyed playing you last weekend, my DD plays on the 12 u team you played. I guess we should be glad we got out of it all healthy. HA HA . Your team,Parents ,coaches, players were a very classy bunch. have a great end of season. Ill pass on the wishes.

Thank you for the update. Give her our best from the AB organization. I was the opposing coach out there with coach Hardy trying to keep her comfortable until the EMT's arrived.

The game prior, the opposing team had a girl go down in the outfield with what they were thinking might be an ACL injury. I'm still waiting to hear on her status.

Very sad to see that happen to these kids.

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