Slide into home Please!

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Mar 28, 2013
Just thought I would share what happened this weekend at a 14A championship game so as maybe to avoid someone having a really bad day at the field. In the past I've always heard that blue would always prefer sliding into home rather than running thru it. The story was that even standing up running its possible for a cleat to get stuck on the front edge of the plate. Being that I've always seen many sprained ankles and some worse from sliding I really did not pay much attention to that advise. TILL SUNDAY. Team up 4-0 my DDs old short stop comes flying into home the play was not close not close enough to need a slide but the ball was on its way. She stomped on the plate, her cleat got stuck on the front edge and broke her ankle. and by broke her ankle I mean completely broke with the bottom of her shoe facing the wrong direction. Took an hour for the medics to stabilize her enough to move her, both teams fans crying everyone in shock. after they transported her the opposing team just forfeited (the right thing to do).So don't know about you but unless its a walk/slow jog across my DDs are both sliding form now on. Cause believe me the front edge cleat thing can happen.
Feb 3, 2011
I'm sorry to hear about your DD's friend, but hopefully the injury will heal quickly and she'll come back strong in January.

Freak accidents happen on well-executed slides, too, though.
Mar 28, 2013
I agree with you on 2nd and third where you have a raised base and a you cant stick a cleat but home with a flush plate don't see how you get hurt without coming in contact with a catcher. assuming you have been taught how to slide.

Sorry to hear, but from my experience there are more injuries during slides, then when not.
Jun 22, 2008
And the opposite side of the coin is, the only injuries I have personally witnessed at home plate were because the players did slide. The most recent was a girl who broke her lower leg when her cleat grabbed the edge of the plate sliding into home, and just for information sake they were rubber cleats.
Mar 28, 2013
Makes me wonder if simply rounding of the edges of the plate would be a good safety idea. No need for it to be a hard edge 90 that I can think of.

And the opposite side of the coin is, the only injuries I have personally witnessed at home plate were because the players did slide. The most recent was a girl who broke her lower leg when her cleat grabbed the edge of the plate sliding into home, and just for information sake they were rubber cleats.


Jun 22, 2008
Just thought I would share what happened this weekend at a 14A championship game so as maybe to avoid someone having a really bad day at the field. In the past I've always heard that blue would always prefer sliding into home rather than running thru it. The story was that even standing up running its possible for a cleat to get stuck on the front edge of the plate. Being that I've always seen many sprained ankles and some worse from sliding I really did not pay much attention to that advise. TILL SUNDAY. Team up 4-0 my DDs old short stop comes flying into home the play was not close not close enough to need a slide but the ball was on its way. She stomped on the plate, her cleat got stuck on the front edge and broke her ankle. and by broke her ankle I mean completely broke with the bottom of her shoe facing the wrong direction. Took an hour for the medics to stabilize her enough to move her, both teams fans crying everyone in shock. after they transported her the opposing team just forfeited (the right thing to do).So don't know about you but unless its a walk/slow jog across my DDs are both sliding form now on. Cause believe me the front edge cleat thing can happen.

Other than causing him/her to sweep the plate due to an unnecessary slide, why in the world would an umpire care? Run through the base and get the hell out of the way would be my preference.

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