Sexist image?

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Dec 2, 2012
I don't think people are getting what those of us who find it sexist are trying to say.

There is NOTHING wrong with girls and women who play softball but off the field dress up, wear makeup and do something that is traditionally feminine. Heck I'm one of them. I play softball in foundation and mascara. Outside the diamond I'm pretty much always wearing dresses.

But the constant message that girls get is that's how they're supposed to be. That they have to be hard as nails on the diamond and soft and 'girly' off it. And the girls who AREN'T that are made to feel bad constantly with these messages.

And part of the reason it's so emphasized is because women and girls who play softball have been made to feel bad for their toughness on the field. To be made to feel bad for being butch. For not fitting into the perfect little box society has for girls. Thear messages don't exisit in a vacuum.

Actually Lozza I do understand what you're trying to say. I just reject the premise. I didn't raise two daughters to be victims of what Madison Avenue (or any other group for that matter) thinks they should think, feel or be. I raised them to be proud of who they are, and to reject the current prevailing belief that we are all victims of some sort. They are beautiful, talented and very smart young women who refuse to create barriers for themselves, and certainly reject barriers others try to place in their way.
Dec 2, 2012
No one image is going to be very significant.

But, are you saying that your DD is not affected in any real way by all the images and messages that she gets from social media and TV, etc.? That this has little effect on her, or people in general?

Sure the pop culture nonsense can have an impact, if you or they let it. Part of the reason sports are so powerful is they allow men and women of all shapes, sizes, colors, religions, etc to be successful with a bit of talent and a lot of hard work. The impact that has on young women's self esteem is very helpful in overcoming societal pressures. Softball is a game of failure that teaches young women about perseverance, their unique gifts and how to contribute to a team by being their best. Nowhere in that equation is being a victim acceptable..... With all of that said, why would we as adults, parents and coaches want to allow the idea of our young charges being victims of someone else's thoughts/ideas?
Nov 26, 2010
Ok so if anyone should be mad or pissed off about anything. Its gotta be the heels . Really ugly shoe if you asked me....

I'm sure whoever took that picture understood the ugliness of it. It they used a sexy looking shoe then people would have accused him of sexualizing girls instead they used an ugly full foot rather thick heeled shoe. And still gets blasted because the meme doesn't cover 100% of all daddies view of their dd.
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
Oh good lord people it's a picture. Not some deep insight into your personal life or a statement on your parenting skills!

If you don't like the picture, don't look at it. If you like it, share it.

It's that simple!

All of our DD's are awesome. One picture doesn't challenge that.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
CooganBluff, I guess I made my point poorly. IOWs, I expect my dd to be a "girl" as she defines it. The point of the post I made is that she has always felt good being who she wants to be at that moment. BB has always been loud and boisterous. She likes showing off her muscles. She also likes to go shopping for dresses and clothes. She is very comfortable being who she is and that is what I expect. Her boyfriend is pretty much the same way except he isn't loud. So, they are a funny couple to be around. My other "daughter" who grew up with BB and still spends a lot of time with us is just the opposite when it comes to dresses. She wouldn't be caught dead in one. So, the picture Perfect Circle posted is appropriate for some of "G's" and "BB's" pictures together.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Oh good lord people it's a picture. Not some deep insight into your personal life or a statement on your parenting skills!

If you don't like the picture, don't look at it. If you like it, share it.

It's that simple!

All of our DD's are awesome. One picture doesn't challenge that.


But I could similarly say that people who don't like discussions about this sort of thing should not read or post on those kinds of threads. :) I think it's appropriate to discuss stuff that annoys us. No one said they were horribly offended by it. It's been either, 'I don't like it and here's why,' or 'I'm fine with it.' That's what I was hoping to get in the thread.

I'm actually surprised and happy at how well this forum can tolerate stuff that borders on politics. People usually stop liking each other when topics go there. But here, it seems the only folks with enemies are some of the hitting gurus.
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket

But I could similarly say that people who don't like discussions about this sort of thing should not read or post on those kinds of threads. :) I think it's appropriate to discuss stuff that annoys us. No one said they were horribly offended by it. It's been either, 'I don't like it and here's why,' or 'I'm fine with it.' That's what I was hoping to get in the thread.

I'm actually surprised and happy at how well this forum can tolerate stuff that borders on politics. People usually stop liking each other when topics go there. But here, it seems the only folks with enemies are some of the hitting gurus.

Yes you could, but remember I didn't say I was offended by the picture or reading this thread. ;)
Jun 12, 2015
I haven't seen anyone exactly flipping out over the image, either. It's been a good discussion imo.
Jan 23, 2014
These images do make me roll my eyes. I am not a girly girl, never have been. I mostly wear gym clothes, always have. I didn't own heels until I was almost 30. So when a photo isn't a representation of an individual, it annoys me. I love the senior pictures because I know the girl wanted to pose that way. I do not love the team pictures of little girls in frilly dresses bc I can almost guarantee that one of those little girls was crying and screaming to her mama that she didn't want to wear a dress- I would have been. Does that make me less of a girl?
JoeKC, you can talk until you are blue in the face with your kids about being their own person and ignoring pop culture and trends. I certainly have. But kids do this crazy thing called growing up, and eventually they become more influenced by their peers than they are by their parents and it is certainly possible that imagery like this could negatively effect how they feel about themselves.

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