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Oct 2, 2015
I would also like to add that it's very impressive when religion comes up and things stay very civil. DFP rocks.

If you think that there aren't a bunch of us lined up that want to verbally unload on you for your anti-religion're wrong...

We're just keeping it to ourselves, as the DFP rules state.

Please keep your views on religion to yourself. It's the last rule that is listed on the main page of DFP.

Last edited:
Mar 1, 2015
If you think that there aren't a bunch of us lined up that want to verbally unload on you for your anti-religion're wrong...

We're just keeping it to ourselves, as the rules DFP rules state.

Keep your views on religion to yourself please. It's the last rule that is listed on the main page of DFP.


Wow, the arrogance of the religiously righteous strikes again!

Why would you want to "unload" on her as you say? She didn't say your religion sucks. She didn't praise some other god. All she did was state she is not religious and doesn't feel comfortable with it being in the softball community (to paraphrase) and you want to "unload" on her.
Dec 20, 2012
If you think that there aren't a bunch of us lined up that want to verbally unload on you for your anti-religion're wrong...

We're just keeping it to ourselves, as the DFP rules state.

Please keep your views on religion to yourself. It's the last rule that is listed on the main page of DFP.


Seriously??? I understand it's a rule but if we adults can't have sensible conversations or express opinions without everyone getting offended and running to the moderators then shut the whole damn site down. I am not an overly religious person but am a christian but I have enough sense to know that not everyone has the same beliefs as me. Just as I do not feel any obligation to agree with anything grcsftbll believes, she has no obligation to agree with any of us. Your remark on lining up to verbally rant blah blah has probably been the most offensive statement in the entire post. As a christian, i'm assuming, shouldn't you be reaching out and/or praying for nonbelievers instead of bashing? Churches are for sinners, those of you that are already perfect need not attend.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
First, let me say that I am a Christian. I am not a good person and have a terrible temper. I understand my weaknesses. Let me also say that politics and religion need to be avoided here or other websites not created for that purpose. I understand the "adult" comment but the facts are that we won't act that way. Once we get to arguing about that, I'll stand my ground and then get banned from this site. So, imo, it is better to avoid that discussion.
Dec 2, 2012
Wow, the arrogance of the religiously righteous strikes again!

Why would you want to "unload" on her as you say? She didn't say your religion sucks. She didn't praise some other god. All she did was state she is not religious and doesn't feel comfortable with it being in the softball community (to paraphrase) and you want to "unload" on her.

Arrogance? I think not. Frustration with the lack of tolerance is what I suspect slugger3 was suggesting, and I agree with that frustration. Suggesting "Churchy People" congregate elsewhere, and suggesting prayer is the bane of someones existence, and "religiously righteous" certainly would lend evangelicals to believe they are being marginalized. It's currently in vogue to demean and marginalize Christians in this country and in many parts of the world. While Christians have endured intolerance, bigotry and worse for a couple of millennia, it not surprising that they are even more sensitive in the current political environment. Christians are consistently being told they are intolerant, by those who display that exact behavior.

Frankly, I reacted exactly like slugger3 to the comments, but chose to use absurdity to help prove the point rather than call out the intolerance or bigotry. In hindsight, I wish the moderators would have deleted the very first mention of religion. There is no way to avoid irreparable conflict if religion or politics are discussion topics allowed within an online softball community.
Jun 12, 2015
Christians marginalized in the OK. Google privilege. And how previously privileged groups often feel marginalized when things start to become more equal.

I am never intolerant to people. My entire family is southern Baptist. My grandfather was a Baptist minister. We teach our children to be tolerant of all beliefs. Not liking something doesn't make me intolerant of it. You're making a lot of assumptions.
Dec 2, 2012
Christians marginalized in the OK. Google privilege. And how previously privileged groups often feel marginalized when things start to become more equal.

I am never intolerant to people. My entire family is southern Baptist. My grandfather was a Baptist minister. We teach our children to be tolerant of all beliefs. Not liking something doesn't make me intolerant of it. You're making a lot of assumptions.

Maybe so, but that assertion proves my point. Your intentions, and how your words (and those of others) are interpreted are not consistent.

This is not the place for politics or religious discussions.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Maybe so, but that assertion proves my point. Your intentions, and how your words (and those of others) are interpreted are not consistent.

This is not the place for politics or religious discussions.

I didn't see grcsftbll's posts as being religious or NOT religious.

Unless you've lived as a non-religious person in the Bible Belt, or have had a similar situation, you really can't understand what she is saying.

I've lived as a non-religious person in the Bible Belt, both as a child and as an adult.
Trust me on this one. It is always weird to be the minority. I've also lived in a place where a kid once came up to touch me to see what a white person's skin felt like. I remember visiting the hometown of a friend of mine, one of a handful of Christians in a town where everyone else is Buddhist, and seeing how much he and his Christian friends were out of place, but how they also fit in. (The mayor of that town invited me to lunch at his place, partly so he could show off to the other folks in town how he was so important he even had an American guest).

When I lived in the Bible Belt, I had close friends who were Christian. When I lived in the Bible Belt as an adult, my best friend was a guy also named Bob, who was the MOST religious guy around, while I was the LEAST religious. I came to deeply respect the other Bob's faith, his church, and the people in his church.

I remember really devout Christians who would apologize to me on the behalf of all Christians because some less tolerant Christians would judge me when I was younger.

And yes, it can be weird for Christians in some places in the US. One of DD 3's closest friends in the DD of a local fundamentalist preacher. I remember how upset DD 3 was when she heard someone criticize Christians in front of her friend.

The way I personally read grcsftbll's statements were as how one has to make accommodations when one is some sort of minority, when there are well-meaning people who may not even realize what they are doing.

Another example -- DD 3 is STILL upset about something that happened last spring. My kids are 1/2 Chinese, and 1/2 mixture of all sorts of people who were in the US by the end of the Revolution. We have ancestors who were Indian chiefs, Mayflower travelers, Scottish merchants, German bankers, Scotch-Irish, Puritans, southern plantation owners, New Amsterdam Dutch, etc. At one point DD 3 was talking to some German American friends, and mentioned she had some German blood as well. One of them said he didn't believe her because she was Asian. Still bothers her.

And yes, DW's family made a conscious choice to move to a country where they are a minority. Our family made a conscious choice to move to a place where mixed race kids are rare, but not extremely rare. It's just that there are some things that we all have to deal with that are annoying. Such as a girl who isn't a mix of softball jock- girly girl dealing with the picture the OP put up. Or people dealing with being an ethnic or religious minority. These are not huge problems like having to deal with a nasty mob with a burning cross and some nooses, but merely annoyances people have to deal with.

I would never put words in grcsftbll's mouth, but one could think of her annoyances as the price she pays for living in a place she loves.

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