Seniors on JV

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Oct 4, 2011
I think the OP is refering to a high school version of fall ball? Our HS season here in Colorado is over - varsity/jv type issues were prevalent back in August just after tryouts. I'm so sorry to the OP - I HATE any instance in which I have to watch my kids struggle - it is the absolute worst. I know that being a senior on JV is pretty demoralizing - maybe she can talk to the coaches and see it as an opportunity to be a leader on JV? Kind of like Kevin Costner in Bull Durham? (especially since she is a cather - it fits!)

I look at high school sports a little bit differently. I see them as after school activites which contribute to the learning environment of the student athlete. If you look at it from this angle, it makes very little sense to disallow seniors on JV. Varsity is for the athletes who have the drive and the high level talent to compete at that level. If a player has the basic skills and desire to play this game, why should she be prevented from doing so on JV? Doesn't the school play have a chorus for those not quite theatrically inclined enough for leading or supporting roles? I don't believe that seniors are not allowed to be a part of the chorus.

You can argue that JV should be for developing players, but the HS season is two months long. Compare that to the months spent off season - whether in lessons, on a rec team, all star, travel and/or off season workouts designed by the HS coach- that is where the true development happens.
Last edited:
Jul 26, 2010
Softball is a competitive sport, not a charity.

Ask yourself who's spot she would take on the Varsity team and who they should move down to JV. Being just as good or as good as another kid does not cut it. When a player is twice as good as the player who's job they want, they will get the spot.


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