Seniors on JV

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Jul 2, 2013
Competitive softball is super hard at good HS's.

Your DD should be applauded for sticking it out, and trying as hard as she can. Her injuries came at the most inopportune time for her softball career. That was as much as any the reason.

I tip my hat and give you more respect that many. You would not believe how many upcoming "stars" (by their parents) simply quit the HS team the first time they see the bench. Be glad you are not one of those. To this day, these players parents will talk about how unfair they were treated. Never get over it with the most negative explanations.

While others, who sit the bench a short time, get inspired. Ask or figure out what they need to work on, get after it, and get on the field in short order.
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Jun 24, 2013
I am going to avoid the political stuff, I have enough of my own that I do not have an answer to.

One of the truths about softball is that if you can hit, they will find a spot for you in the lineup. It sounds like that is what your DD is struggling with. If that jerk player you mentioned is going to Tennessee your DD is also against at least some really stiff competition.

I know you are in season already and have been working on it. If you don’t have it already you can setup a hitting station fairly cheaply, under $100. Practice and practice with her even if your job is to replace the ball on the tee.

When she gets another chance at least she will be ready, and your DD is right don’t give her a hard time if she is not successful. Work with her on her next opportunity.

You might also post a video on this forum and mention in your post you are looking for a short-term improvement.

Your HC might be playing her at JV to try to get her hitting instead of cutting her because of what she has put into the program. It is impossible for me to guess.

Hopefully today went better for her, I wish her luck.
May 7, 2008
I need to echo, that Seniors aren't allowed on JV, in AZ. So, I am afraid that she and the other seniors aren't going to get to play at all.
By all means, you do not want to approach her coach. I would be searching the state association rules, to make sure that she is eligible on the JV. One thing that might be going against her is the term "utility." I think she should pick a position and specialize. I would get her a catching instructor.

I have 3 LDS pitching students and they all play travel ball. LDS is so prevalent here, that it just isn't that unusual. But, she hasn't played travel, so that is neither here nor there. She can catch up. Get her some private lessons. Then, if she can hit the ball, any coach is going to play her.

Does she want to play in college? Would she move to wherever that might be, just to get the chance?
Jun 22, 2008
I need to echo, that Seniors aren't allowed on JV, in AZ. So, I am afraid that she and the other seniors aren't going to get to play at all.
By all means, you do not want to approach her coach. I would be searching the state association rules, to make sure that she is eligible on the JV. One thing that might be going against her is the term "utility." I think she should pick a position and specialize. I would get her a catching instructor.

I have 3 LDS pitching students and they all play travel ball. LDS is so prevalent here, that it just isn't that unusual. But, she hasn't played travel, so that is neither here nor there. She can catch up. Get her some private lessons. Then, if she can hit the ball, any coach is going to play her.

Does she want to play in college? Would she move to wherever that might be, just to get the chance?

Amy, I cannot find anything in the AIA bylaws which restrict seniors from playing sub varsity. Individual school districts may have instituted their own rules, but as for AIA I see no restriction.

I will double check with my daughter when she gets up, but I am almost certain there were seniors playing JV at her school.

After checking with her she said they never had seniors on JV because "it was against the rules". However, as I indicated, searching through the AIA bylaws I cannot find anything stating such.
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Jun 18, 2012
It's tough being a coach, especially if you're a high school coach. You're damned if you do (play them). You're damned if you don't (play them). Very often, a coach can't win (with all parents) in this regard.
Jun 24, 2013
There is a lot going on for sure, DD is only in MS.

There is not a Team, there is an organization they are trying to run. That is a big difference in my opinion.
Feb 3, 2011
I had a difficult time following the story. Does this school have 3 different softball teams?

I'm willing to bet that most if not all of the really good players at your DD's school have been playing travel ball since at least 6th or 7th grade. The fact that she has a teammate going to play at Tennessee speaks to the quality of the players she has been on the field with. I know you may not have the college sports perspective to fully understand it, but that means she's one of the best players in the country. If I had to put a number on it, I'd say that likely makes her a top 200 player in her class nationwide.

If your DD enjoys being a part of the school team, continue to encourage her. Injuries are a part of life, but they still suck. However, getting the opportunity to play again after being hurt is probably a big deal to her. If being on the JV team = playing time and playing time is what she wants most, let her go that route.

My daughter's mom is also Mormon and initially, it was fairly difficult for her to make the decision to allow Mojo to play TB, but she went with it, because softball was more important to our DD. Mom still struggles with the schedule from time-to-time but of course, the kid is all too happy to play and practice on Sundays. :) You have to make the best decisions as a family for your family situation. There are many LDS athletes playing competitive sports here, but there are many others who do not. It's just a matter of having different parenting philosophies, but as your story has illustrated, in places where the HS sports are highly competitive, the selection advantage is going to those who've played at a high level for a longer period of time.

Hopefully she'll be able to have a good all-stars experience this coming summer. All the best.
Mar 11, 2009
It's tough being a coach, especially if you're a high school coach. You're damned if you do (play them). You're damned if you don't (play them). Very often, a coach can't win (with all parents) in this regard.

Thats why it is very important that the Schools Athletic Director supports and backs up the coach and not the parents. I know a good coach that got run out of a school because the parents whined and complained that thier kids werent getting playing time and the workouts were too tough...
Jun 22, 2008
Amy, finally found it. You are correct.

AIA bylaws A junior varsity team shall be limited to 9th, 10th and 11th grade students, with the exception of the 1A Conference.

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