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Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
I believe in market based compensation, except when the market has some sort of fundamental flaw. Say for instance a market that for some reason did not have direct labor costs for it's service. If pay was solely based on the value of a product these shouldn't the players be paid?

In a unregulated situation maybe so, but we all know the NCAA frowns on that and won't consider them employees even remotely eligible for reimbursement.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
In a unregulated situation maybe so, but we all know the NCAA frowns on that and won't consider them employees even remotely eligible for reimbursement.

And that is why I see no problem with capping coaches compensation. Since the market is already regulated, it is a matter of choice by the NCAA to omit coaches from the regulation. I say cap the coaches too and plow the money back into the schools. It is not like the quality of play would suffer if the coaches only made say $500K a year. The labor market the NCAA competes with has about 65 total positions worldwide and is notoriously cut throat with high turnover, so I do not think it would impact quality at all, if anything it would just increase the frequency at which college dynasties rise and fall and help parity by leveling the field. Or, go ahead and recognize the insanity that is NCAA sports and just pay the players and be done with it. Hell take it down to the under 18 crowd as well. I want to see toddlers with corporate decals on their diapers. Let's just call it like it is, everything is a product now and the only value is money so let's stop pretending there is any sacrifice, honor, allegiance to school or country and let's just let everyone chase a buck and their own self interest. I would much prefer honest debauchery to the fake shroud of "honor" the NCAA wraps itself in when they have their "investigations" about violations.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
One interesting thing I keep hearing and reading, and this is my words so might not be exact but:
The U.S. is the only country in the world that has big money sports tied in to their establishments of higher learning.
Indentured servant: A person who labors for a time period for no pay, but for shelter, food, and possibly training.
A snibit from the documentary on the training part:
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Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
I am not necessarily disagreeing with any ideas about capping coaches income or their level of pay. I am simply referring to the way things are now. People can lobby for changes they feel are necessary.

However, I doubt changes would get much consideration. The mega football programs not only float the remaining athletic programs in most cases, but they also dump money into the general fund too. You aren't going to see too many colleges willing to mess with that formula.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
I am not necessarily disagreeing with any ideas about capping coaches income or their level of pay. I am simply referring to the way things are now. People can lobby for changes they feel are necessary.

However, I doubt changes would get much consideration. The mega football programs not only float the remaining athletic programs in most cases, but they also dump money into the general fund too. You aren't going to see too many colleges willing to mess with that formula.

To which takes us back to the beginning of the thread, big football is making billions, football is just a part of a public university, and more and more those universities have to make "cuts" because they "can't afford them."


Feb 20, 2012
Football is big business yes, but is one government employee coaching a sport at the same school worth 30 times more than a coach in another sport? Private owned business, sure, pay whatever, that is your business, but there are only about 10 professional team coaches that make more than Saban, and he is our business (public), or at least should be. Especially in "these times".

How much money do you think Nick Saban has generated for the University of Alabama? I bet the Alabama Board of Trustees think they got a bargain at $5.5M. It is all about ROI - return on investment - Saban is one of the highest paid coaches in the country, but has probably generated 5-10X his salary in revenue for the SEC and UA......and as an Auburn fan, I hope the University of Texas decides to open up their checkbook and pay him even more! LOL
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
To which takes us back to the beginning of the thread, big football is making billions, football is just a part of a public university, and more and more those universities have to make "cuts" because they "can't afford them."

No, Me thinks you missed my point or I didn't get my point across very well.

IMO, Your premises leading to the assumed conclusion are flawed. The football coach's income is not causing college athletic programs to fail. You assume that all programs are paying their coaches billions. I say only the programs who 1) are successful, or 2) are chasing success are paying their football coaches well.

Nothing to do with who is the employer (state government, federal government, or the private sector). Has everything to do with results on the field. Results on the field leads to butts in the seats and merchandise sales. That equates to money to back the entity. These are the colleges who are paying big bucks to the football coaches. If a college is paying big bucks and not getting these results then it is a matter of a poorly run business and the person(s) responsible need to go as they would in any other company.

No sports are cut when money is coming in. In fact, the lesser sports bleed off that money and reap the benefits with nicer facilities, enhanced equipment budgets, larger travel budgets, ..etc.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
How much money do you think Nick Saban has generated for the University of Alabama? I bet the Alabama Board of Trustees think they got a bargain at $5.5M. It is all about ROI - return on investment - Saban is one of the highest paid coaches in the country, but has probably generated 5-10X his salary in revenue for the SEC and UA......and as an Auburn fan, I hope the University of Texas decides to open up their checkbook and pay him even more! LOL

Saban, yeah he is worth a mil. How much do you think his players have generated? What do they get for it?

Is that what keeps a university a "non profit"?

I am saying a universities (or states for that matter since they are state owned), should not have to make cuts because "they can't arrord it." Tuitions shouldn't keep sky rocketing. Professors shouldn't be getting any pay cuts.

Should a brain surgeon's spouse have to give up the family mini van because he/she dosen't bring in enough money, even though there spouse brings in millions?

The amount of pay, to me, is kind of like A rod, yankees, and etc, one gets a huge contract, then the next deserves more, then the next.

Return on investment? Did you watch the funny Kirk Ferentz video I posted?

Disclaimer...I am doing a lot of pointing out what I think is wrong...but I don't know what the answer is.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
IMO, Your premises leading to the assumed conclusion are flawed. The football coach's income is not causing college athletic programs to fail. You assume that all programs are paying their coaches billions. I say only the programs who 1) are successful, or 2) are chasing success are paying their football coaches well.

Temple cut 7 sports. I said their football coach makes $1.2 million. I think someone else said "no, it's more like $2 mil."

I am enjoying this discussion. I hope no one is getting flared nostrals :mad: or thinks that I am. Really it has very little to do with me and probably all of you too. The honest truth is that I was up at 4:30 this morning and first thing I did was check the update bcs bowl projections after Ohio State loss....and I am eggerly awaiting the bowl show so I can get out my pool that I run every year...what a hypocrit huh?

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