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Wilson = Evil Empire
DFP Vendor
Dec 27, 2012
Kunkletown, PA
Actually men's basketball makes more profit because football, when you lose and no one wants to watch you, costs too much. And kids families now pay exorbitant athletic fees whether they go to any games. In my family, they hardly go to any of either sport (bad seasons going). When I went to the same college we went to every football game win or lose, not so much today. They do go to softball and women's basketball, on occasion, funny. I am, however, for sports that reflect the kids interests as students, not just what the public cares about.

Colleges are considering cutting football and many have. Villanova, for example, cut football for two years and then brought it back. Cable television is helping all college sports.

List of defunct college football teams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Colleges Cut Football To Save Money -- Is It Worth It?

I said for the most part, football makes more money, and its the truth. Of course some colleges are different that have huge BB programs. But again, football will always be the bread and butter. You don't see many BB programs cut either.

And unfortunately, just because you like to go watch softball and a few kids have interest in it, a college isn't going to keep it if it doesn't make money.

Have you ever wondered why little crap football programs travel to play the big boys and get smoked?
These bigger school pay the little college a ton to basically get smacked around. I guess you don't know how much that can consist of? That one drubbing can make more than every game in every other sport in that college in one year that's why it keeps going.

Why don't you pull up how many schools cancel the softball program or don't even have one?
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Wilson = Evil Empire
DFP Vendor
Dec 27, 2012
Kunkletown, PA
Saban will make nearly $45 million over eight years in base salary ($245,000) and what Alabama calls "talent fees." The contract represents a $500,000 raise in talent fees plus longevity pay and the built-in raises.

Saban's base salary is $245,000. Most of the rest is "talent fees" that are a means to circumvent limits on base salary. You may think it's semantics, but it demonstrates they'll do whatever is necessary to pay market rates. If you close the "talent fees" loophole, they'll go back to having the outside money paid directly to the coach instead of running it through the university.

The disparity in coaches pay is simply their market rates and that is largely due to the amount of money each sport generates (or doesn't). If you really want to change things for non-revenue sports like softball, you need to increase the money it generates which requires increasing their popularity and ratings.

Another factor on a coach's market rate is professional sports. Colleges have to offer competitive pay to the NFL, NBA and somewhat MLB. Softball coaches don't similar pressure on their market rate.

Murphy was actually paid $240k in 2013 ($200k base + $40k talent). He got $225k in 2012 ($180k + $45k)

The baseball coach gets $300k ($200k + $100k) and the womens gymnastic coach $330k ($245k + $85k, 6 national championships including 2011 and 2012).

Very nice post sir. I just don't get why some people argue about what a coach of a huge football program gets but the softball or swimming program or whatever gets cut. Money!


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
Very nice post sir. I just don't get why some people argue about what a coach of a huge football program gets but the softball or swimming program or whatever gets cut. Money!

Because a public university is owned and or operated by state governments. If it is private business, makes perfect sense to me. Would it be fair if cities completely cut services to the poor inner city so they could grossly, extremely, over spend and over pay police/fire chiefs and city managers in the wealthy neighborhoods, because that's where the big tax dollars come from?

...not a great comparison, but the point is that the universities are government entities and technically (sort of) not for profit, shouldn't sections of the university that are madly profitable help out sections of the same entity that don't bring in profits? Or should they just grossly, greedily bathe in there own success? If it completely turns to departmentalizing the universities and looking at each sport as a profit/loss statement, we might as well kiss goodbye to all female sports.

Title 9 you say? With the crazy money that the football programs have....HAH...they can do whatever they want.

Sports...especially female sports at universities is not something that has always been around. Been around for a relatively short time actually. I just happen to think that if things continue on the same path, they won't be around for another 20-30 years.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
Just reading right now that the SEC football coach salaries as a collective increased 129% from 2006-2012. What other "employees" (government employees for that matter) not business owners, in the world have received a 129% raise for doing the same job they have always done?
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Wilson = Evil Empire
DFP Vendor
Dec 27, 2012
Kunkletown, PA
...not a great comparison, but the point is that the universities are government entities and technically (sort of) not for profit, shouldn't sections of the university that are madly profitable help out sections of the same entity that don't bring in profits? Or should they just grossly, greedily bathe in there own success? If it completely turns to departmentalizing the universities and looking at each sport as a profit/loss statement, we might as well kiss goodbye to all female sports.

I think you should do a little research and find out what a huge football program does help pay for. I think you would be shocked they aren't the greedy programs you want to believe. They help everybody.

If you worked for a company and your dept made 50 million for the you really think you wouldn't want more money than the person running a dept that was breaking even or losing money? Come on, lets be real. These colleges pay the football coaching staff huge money because they make it. If they don't pay, they lose the coach and the team/program would suffer and in turn, the whole college suffers.

I realize why you think this whole thing is unfair, but its not. Does it stink for some kids, yes.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
I think you should do a little research and find out what a huge football program does help pay for. I think you would be shocked they aren't the greedy programs you want to believe. They help everybody.

If you worked for a company and your dept made 50 million for the you really think you wouldn't want more money than the person running a dept that was breaking even or losing money? Come on, lets be real. These colleges pay the football coaching staff huge money because they make it. If they don't pay, they lose the coach and the team/program would suffer and in turn, the whole college suffers.

I realize why you think this whole thing is unfair, but its not. Does it stink for some kids, yes.

Guess you are writing me without actually reading my posts.

Did I say they should make the same? No. I even said "if they cut the top 10 paid football coaches to $2 mil...."

Business...did I say : "if it is a private business, makes perfect sense to me.......BUT universities are government owned...not for profits."

They pay the coaching staff huge money because they make it? They aren't greedy? They help everybody? I would argue that 99.9% of "who makes it" is the players, who get 0$. That is another topic for another day. But ya, the football coaches deserve a lot of money, but "a lot of money" is out of control.

How about you? If your running a company, have 2 managers, running 2 departments, each work their tales off, but by default, one manager specializes in something that brings the company big money, the other specializes in something...say human resources, valuable to the company, but doesn't make a profit. Do you not only pay the big profit guy more, because duh, sure you do, but you pay him 130 times the other guys salary...and make him the highest paid employee in your state?
....doesn't matter, we aren't talking about a business, we are talking about public universities.

I should do some research? That is all I have been talking about.
Come on, get real.
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Jun 29, 2013
Football teams at BCS schools make more money than basketball teams, and it isn't even close. The disparity in TV income is ridiculous. I've heard just about every conference commissioner say this, and the studies that have been done all back this up. Yes, it costs more, and Temple's football coach was actually underpaid, most BCS schools (and Temple is for this year) pay at least 50% more than that.
We can complain all we want about it, but the reason why the SEC has so many successful women's sports is because of the money their football teams bring in. They can afford to spend more on coaches, training, recruiting, etc. than say the Mountain West or Big East schools. Same with the Big 10, Pac 12, and to a lesser extent the ACC and Big 12.


Wilson = Evil Empire
DFP Vendor
Dec 27, 2012
Kunkletown, PA
Wow, you really need to go live on an island and run it like the fairy tale and "should be" rules you keep talking about. State U's are businesses no matter how many rules you keep siting or how many times you say they are supposed to be "non-profit". Also, keep thinking those nasty, greedy football programs do nothing for the rest of the college.

And yes...if I have a great football coach that brings in 50 million dollars to my college, he does get paid 100 times what a coach would who runs a sport that brings in ZERO. That football coach/program is keeping the other coach employed and paid what he/she is getting as it is. You act like any guy can go into any big college and coach the football team to the same level.

Same as business. If I have a manager who runs a dept that is my main money maker and makes my company millions. He/she gets paid well more than a manager that breaks even.
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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Have you ever wondered why little crap football programs travel to play the big boys and get smoked?
These bigger school pay the little college a ton to basically get smacked around. I guess you don't know how much that can consist of? That one drubbing can make more than every game in every other sport in that college in one year that's why it keeps going.

The University of Florida paid Georgia Southern $550,000 to play a football game in Gainesville. And Georgia Southern won. :) Sometimes it doesn't go as planned.

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