Recuiting Services

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Softball DAD
Jan 26, 2014
Whiting, Iowa
Is there an "Honest to Goodness" recruiting services out there that doesn't charge $500 or more to help an athlete reach the next level? Or is this a common fee that they all charge?
Dec 20, 2012
There is nothing they can do for you that you, your kid and their coaches cant yourselves!!!!!!!
Dec 7, 2011
In the same breath though after going through "the process" it would seem that an honest and truly knowledgeable "service" would be worth that kind of money. We who have been through the process on our own would have to admit it was a long hard road to gain all the right knowledge and learn how to apply all the right things to the right actions. So I am not saying I know of a good service but I could see them being of value to somebody who is completely green to the process.


Feb 20, 2012
Too many parents want to "stroke a check" to a recruiting service and think that everything will take care of itself. That is NOT the case and unless your DD is a bonefide STUD, you and your DD had better be ready to work your butts off on her behalf. You need to be responsible for putting together a skills video. You need to market your DD via emails, letters, postcards, and phone calls. Include a link to the skills video in your emails. Attend the camps/clinics of the schools in your Top 5 - it is hard to beat face time with a college coach. I would also like to emphasize that parents get a realistic evaluation of your DD and her abilities. While I am sure most girls would LOVE to go to Alabama or Florida, is that realistic? Spend your time and money pursing opportunities that can come to fruition.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Too many parents want to "stroke a check" to a recruiting service and think that everything will take care of itself. That is NOT the case and unless your DD is a bonefide STUD, you and your DD had better be ready to work your butts off on her behalf. You need to be responsible for putting together a skills video. You need to market your DD via emails, letters, postcards, and phone calls. Include a link to the skills video in your emails. Attend the camps/clinics of the schools in your Top 5 - it is hard to beat face time with a college coach. I would also like to emphasize that parents get a realistic evaluation of your DD and her abilities. While I am sure most girls would LOVE to go to Alabama or Florida, is that realistic? Spend your time and money pursing opportunities that can come to fruition.

Excellent advice. Would add that you need to gain a fact based understanding of the college softball experience. It is nothing like Travel or HS ball and it is not for everyone.
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Feb 14, 2010
I'm not a big believer in scouting services either. A parent needs to be honest about what level their kid is capable of playing at. If you think or have been told by someone reputable that your kid is D1 then you need to get on a national travel program to get seen by D1 coaches.

We were very fortunate in that my DDs travel coach did all of the leg work with D1's. We just had to decide which program fit her best
Jan 27, 2010
8 more coaches found my kid on Captain U. It's tempting to pay the money to see who they are but as it was explained to me, these recruiting services know squat about your kid. Her coach can say she had a good weekend, hustled on every play even though it was 98F. The service can just give back info they have been provided. They don't go watch your kid play or know much about her team. So while it seems like you might need the help you really don't if your coach is involved with the process. IF your coach is not involved, ready to speak to a college on your behalf, you are on the wrong team.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Start with understanding that equating "D1" to a high level of play in a myth. What you see on ESPN when they start covering the Supers and WCWS is NOT representative of typical D1 programs. There are high and low levels of play throughout all intercollegiate associations. Find the program that fits the skills and needs of your DD.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
8 more coaches found my kid on Captain U. It's tempting to pay the money to see who they are but as it was explained to me, these recruiting services know squat about your kid. Her coach can say she had a good weekend, hustled on every play even though it was 98F. The service can just give back info they have been provided. They don't go watch your kid play or know much about her team. So while it seems like you might need the help you really don't if your coach is involved with the process. IF your coach is not involved, ready to speak to a college on your behalf, you are on the wrong team.

Pay the money to Captain U and contact the coaches only to find out they have no know nothing about your kid and the coaches have never looked at anyone on Captain U. Captain U has been outed numerous times as a total scam.
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