Player punished for parent debt (rec)

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Oct 1, 2010
Marietta, GA
Seriously, why is this even a question. Since there was a community service option, money obviously is not the issue - responsibility is. The kid is 15 old enough to be told she can't play and why. Otherwise you are just enabling the parents' irresponsibility.

Cut her and move on.
Feb 3, 2011
We've never turned anyone away from playing spring rec, but Sparky Guy's right that summer all-stars is extra. It's a separate season, with its own rules, schedule, and budget. Sluggers, I do agree it's ok to include the child in the conversation here, primarily because then I'd know she was being told the truth. Mom spends a lot of time making excuses and painting herself as a victim, so it's hard to imagine that the child hasn't been influenced by that. The mother is claiming she never had a chance to get onto the schedule. That's not true. Parents had 6 weeks to sign up. So, what did we do? We extended the hours on the final day and I came in to work just to give them an opportunity to do 4 hours. And what did they do instead? Went up to the lake to party, after the mom had said that the dad would work the booth because she had to be at work that afternoon and evening.

I'd have no problem telling a child of 15 that many opportunities carry with them certain obligations and that 38 of 39 player parents had fulfilled theirs in order for their children to play all-stars.

We don't take a hard line during the rec season, because we're a small community and most of us on the board realize the importance of keeping young people active. We've had instances where candy money has been 'lost' (including a significant loss a couple of years ago) or when payment plans haven't been completely followed and then they returned the next year requesting a full scholarship instead.

But like you said, if we don't draw a line somewhere, continuing to enable irresponsibility will only help teach the child the wrong kinds of lessons.
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Feb 20, 2012
We have always been able to "scholarship" a player during financial hardship, but it amazes me how the families that need it the most are the ones who participate the least whenever we offer a fundraising opportunity.....90% of our families would like to just "write a check" for softball, but we continue to try to offer fundraising to accommodate the other 10% and then they don't participate.


Jun 22, 2008
Like it of not, this was a business transaction to which the alleged adults agreed to the terms.

When I have run into this in the past, it was simply a matter of the parents being too good for volunteer work, but always claiming to be cash poor. For some, it was a conscientious decision to not honor their obligation assuming folks wouldn't dare upset the child by pressing the issue.
Aug 23, 2010
I would do the following: I would set a meeting time with the parents, the player and the HC. Much like a business transaction, I would simply spell out the scenerio and the options.
"There is a $150 fee to play All Stars or 8 hours of service. You missed the service time and have yet to pay the $150. I wanted to bring this to your attention, because as of Monday, if left unresolved, XXXXXX will no longer be qualified for the All Star team. I certainly don't want it to come to this. How are you going to settle this account?"
If grown ups have no sense of ownership, sometimes you have to force the issue into their hands. Let them decide. $150 or no team. That way you are not the bad guy. If you don't pay your cell phone bill, you can't use it. Handle ot like a business transaction.
Jan 22, 2011
From OP it sounds like she owes $120 from the spring rec season. Why was she even allowed to be on an all-star team if she owes money from the spring?
Jul 26, 2010
Um, at 14u and up it's pretty much the players responsibility. It is their responsibility to make sure that their fees are paid.

The kid isn't being "punished", they got into a show without paying and are being asked to leave.

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