Pitching and double jointed

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Nov 8, 2018
If she has anything out of the ordinary it is probably hyperlaxity. Javasource has posted some info on this at times in the past, including some tests for it. I'll let you look into it rather than steer you wrong with my understanding. But at her age I wonder if the criteria even apply yet. Assuming this applies to her, it can lead to some problems for a pitcher, particularly with the shoulder. That certainly doesn't mean she shouldn't pursue it though.

If it’s Erlos-downlos ( not sure the spelling) (hyperlaxity) which is a ligament laxity disease then that would cause big problems. However, hyper-joint mobility won’t necessarily be an issue at all. There are major differences. One a disease the other more of a normal abnormality.

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May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
My daughter had loose ligaments. She could do things that made me shudder like bend her thumb so far that it would touch her forearm. She pitched in travel and high school without issue. I'm sure every case will be different.
Jun 25, 2014
She has a lot mobility in her wrist and fingers but not haven’t really noticed anything out of the ordinary on the rest of her. She is very flexible but I haven’t seen arms or legs bend in some crazy way.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Hyper lax is absolutely not an excuse to not pitch.
One of my very best students had it.
I got her on a strength and conditioning program with velo. We really focused on resistance band training with absolute attention to detail on her mechanics.
She's now safe, fast, and has tremendous movement on her drop ball.14929

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