Off Season Goals Assessment

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Oct 10, 2011
After doing a lot of video taping the other day, I came home and was a little frustrated after watching the practice. DD was hitting great, but it didn't "Look great." I took a deep breath and decided to look at what we have been doing in the off season.
Since DD missed about 3 months off ball last year we didn't take any breaks in the off season and set some goals. Not on the list is to have fun:)
1. Get healthy- work out hard, get those ankles strong, eat healthy etc...
2. Work on her sequence
3. Work on a better barrel turn/bat drag etc...
4. Work on the mental approach
DD's main goals were to hit 60 mph in her overhand throw and to lose some weight.

After seeing what goals have been accomplished, I wasn't frustrated anymore. I need to work on #4 more:) Our main focus now is on #3...DD looks great on a tee but it falls apart during live pitching. One thing for sure though is that we've really had some fun!
With tryouts coming soon for many of you, how has your off season gone? What will you be trying to accomplish in the remaining time left?
Apr 1, 2010
It's been really frustrating this off-season. DD's fall was cut short by knee problems. She took November off to heal up, just doing physical therapy, and then when she still hurt, took December off too. At the very end of December, she was feeling good enough to do a hitting lesson, after which her knee swelled back up again. She's been going to her team's speed and agility sessions twice a week, but can't do most of the stuff. That's kind of depressing for me--the speed and agility work last winter had turned a lot of her singles and doubles to doubles and triples. And her weight's creeping up, since she can't really work out hard. She's coming along though, she's not taking a bunch of batting reps, but looks good on the reps she does and was able to catch briefly last weekend.

Our main goal now is to get her knee better; good enough to at least bat during the early part of the season and to make it back behind the plate mid- or late season, definitely by HS tryout time in August.
Jul 16, 2013
Our main goal now is to get her knee better; good enough to at least bat during the early part of the season and to make it back behind the plate mid- or late season, definitely by HS tryout time in August.

Knee problems for a catcher are not a good combination. I am sure it must be very frustrating for her. I wish her the best of luck! Hopefully she will bounce back better than ever!
After doing a lot of video taping the other day, I came home and was a little frustrated after watching the practice. DD was hitting great, but it didn't "Look great." I took a deep breath and decided to look at what we have been doing in the off season.
Since DD missed about 3 months off ball last year we didn't take any breaks in the off season and set some goals. Not on the list is to have fun:)
1. Get healthy- work out hard, get those ankles strong, eat healthy etc...
2. Work on her sequence
3. Work on a better barrel turn/bat drag etc...
4. Work on the mental approach
DD's main goals were to hit 60 mph in her overhand throw and to lose some weight.

After seeing what goals have been accomplished, I wasn't frustrated anymore. I need to work on #4 more:) Our main focus now is on #3...DD looks great on a tee but it falls apart during live pitching. One thing for sure though is that we've really had some fun!
With tryouts coming soon for many of you, how has your off season gone? What will you be trying to accomplish in the remaining time left?

Bold above : One thing you might consider is front toss it will help her take that tee swing to live pitching just a thought.

Living out in California we really don't have an off season (maybe around a month) so our off season is like a work in progress I guess. If we are working on changing something it happens during practice and games also when we are working on things we do a lot more working in the garage than we normally would if we weren't working on anything. But this fall/winter both DD's hit every day(your swing can never be too good) and we work on fielding/speed and agility about three times a week.
Oct 10, 2011
After doing a lot of video taping the other day, I came home and was a little frustrated after watching the practice. DD was hitting great, but it didn't "Look great." I took a deep breath and decided to look at what we have been doing in the off season.
Since DD missed about 3 months off ball last year we didn't take any breaks in the off season and set some goals. Not on the list is to have fun:)
1. Get healthy- work out hard, get those ankles strong, eat healthy etc...
2. Work on her sequence
3. Work on a better barrel turn/bat drag etc...
4. Work on the mental approach
DD's main goals were to hit 60 mph in her overhand throw and to lose some weight.

After seeing what goals have been accomplished, I wasn't frustrated anymore. I need to work on #4 more:) Our main focus now is on #3...DD looks great on a tee but it falls apart during live pitching. One thing for sure though is that we've really had some fun!
With tryouts coming soon for many of you, how has your off season gone? What will you be trying to accomplish in the remaining time left?

Bold above : One thing you might consider is front toss it will help her take that tee swing to live pitching just a thought.

Living out in California we really don't have an off season (maybe around a month) so our off season is like a work in progress I guess. If we are working on changing something it happens during practice and games also when we are working on things we do a lot more working in the garage than we normally would if we weren't working on anything. But this fall/winter both DD's hit every day(your swing can never be too good) and we work on fielding/speed and agility about three times a week.
Thanks Wichita. .. We've actually done almost all front toss except for warm ups. That's why I was so frustrated LOL!
Nov 14, 2011
My DD is a 1st year 16u player and the youngest on the team due to a bad birthday. With that being said, she had a great 14u season last year. Batted almost .500 and pitched great during State and National tournaments. Then came 16u. She had a horrible fall season. She batted near .200 and didn't get much pitching time. This totally killed her confidence. The coaching staff held meeting with each player and their parents explaining their strengths and weaknesses to work on. Needless to say it wasn't a good meeting. I take great pride in never making excuses for anything that comes our way, and I strictly enforce this with my DD. She didn't have a good fall. Time to make some changes.

1) She changed pitching coaches. Her new coach pushes her harder and is more technical and stresses mental toughness.
2) She stepped up her batting practices. She now bats at least 3 days per week.
3) She now watches videos of both her batting and pitching so she can see her strengths/weaknesses for herself.
4) She enrolled in a speed/conditioning fitness course. This has been for the last 4 months, 3 days a week.
5) She pitches at least 3 days a week.
6) She now watches videos and reads articles on softball strategy online.
7) She is lifting weights and doing cardio at school during PE class.

We live in the Midwest where all we have is snow, snow and more snow. Doing the program above keeps her busy 5-6 days a week. It is a lot of softball per week. I realize that. But for her this is what she wants and I applaud her for stepping up her program to achieve better results for herself for 2014 and beyond.

Everyone should have some off season goal assessment, even if you live in a warmer climate and don't have to wait 3-4 months to see the dirt of an infield until March (if we are lucky).

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