Not enough players - leave or hope for the best

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Jul 16, 2013
There is nothing wrong with showing loyalty to the current coach. After all, it sounds like this coach has been very helpful to your DD. That said, what you are stating in this post is very troubling to me. He is taking anyone and everyone to try to fill the team and still doesn't have enough. I would suggest taking her to the workouts for the other team and see what happens. You shouldn't be expected to make an immediate decision, but a couple of workouts can buy you (and the current coach) some time, while getting to see what the new team has to offer.

NOTE: If there was a team last year, and he is having trouble filling the team this year, I would wonder why? Did some players age up? Or is there another reason that you are not aware of? Something else to consider...

I'm concerned he cannot field a full team. At the 3 tryouts only 2 girls have showed up at each tryout and he has taken every single one regardless of talent just to try to field a team. I told the new coach that DD had committed to another team and explained the situation. He said, just have her come out and let's go from there. Not sure how long he will wait. He is planning to play next weekend and needs another pitcher. I would hate to break a commitment and possibly burn a bridge.
Feb 7, 2013
At the very least, go work out with the other team and see if it's a good fit. Lots of red flags with her current "team" a) only 8 players b) coach accepting all players who came to tryouts no matter the talent c) in areas with lots of softball players only 8 come to tryout for this team?

While I believe in sticking with commitments, this doesn't meet your expectations of being on a team. A team does not consist of 8 players, you really need at least 10 or 11 players to field a team for the next 12 months.

Lastly, you don't want to be the last player to jump ship since there may only be a few slots open on these other teams. Maybe selfish but you need to look after what is best for your DD in this situation. You would be leaving for the right reasons not the wrong reasons (e.g. not enough playing time).
Aug 9, 2013
I am a commissioner in town and struggling with this same question.....We are trying to do a 9U team in town, have 8 committed. I am still looking around for players and have a couple of prospects but feel like 9/1 is a good date to make a decision.

The other option is to keep the 8 together and let them workout together this fall/winter and have more time to recruit. Bring a few of the girls to my 10U teams and get game experience.

Does the age make a difference in this decision?
May 25, 2010
Don't waste any more time with this group. Let the coach know you're taking another opportunity now. If things change, maybe DD can try to land a spot with old coach next spring.
Mar 23, 2010
We spent a Fall with a great coach and a decent shorthanded team. He was able to get guests at every tourney because all his former players loved him, and the season went very well. What he did not do, was put bodies on the field just to make numbers regardless of skill.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
IMO fall ball and winter are the off season and a player's prime time to improve or develop their skills. IMO you get better by working repetitiously and without a focus on results and to me, that is only possible during practices, not games. So for fall ball, I'd try to find the coach who has the best skill set and teaching abilities to provide my DD the best opportunity to improve and wouldn't worry about how many games they are or are not going to play as long as they are spending most of their time practicing. If your DD is a better than average player, she shouldn't have much trouble picking up with a new team for the spring summer if the fall team folds. Just my opinion. YMMV.
Jan 27, 2010
Yours is not an enviable position but I commend you for at least weighing the options. Best of luck to both of you.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
IMO fall ball and winter are the off season and a player's prime time to improve or develop their skills. IMO you get better by working repetitiously and without a focus on results and to me, that is only possible during practices, not games. So for fall ball, I'd try to find the coach who has the best skill set and teaching abilities to provide my DD the best opportunity to improve and wouldn't worry about how many games they are or are not going to play as long as they are spending most of their time practicing. If your DD is a better than average player, she shouldn't have much trouble picking up with a new team for the spring summer if the fall team folds. Just my opinion. YMMV.

We scale back with a lighter schedule in the Fall playing double headers vs JUCO's and a few showcases. The girls really like playing the JUCO's since they are 2 - 3 legit 7 inning games on either Saturday or Sunday so they get a day off. And of course when the beat one of the JUCO's they earn some serious bragging rights. We still play 2 - 3 weekends a month but the pace is much more relaxed.
Dec 7, 2011
Yer sort of between a rock and a hard place from my perspective.

If the current HC is truly that good I would think that he should eventually get the players he needs before the start of summer TB.

I am saying this though having stuck with a 16U squad and getting burnt by the HC ending up picking up mediocre 18U's to fill an 18U team (which was NOT what we wanted with my DD at 14 years of age). But this was NOT a quality HC and this was NOT on a TB club that really "attracts" talent. (I learned later the true status of this club and I chalk it up to just being naive in the TB world at that time).

If you are in a "rich" SB area I would think that somebody found themselves on a team where they thought they were going to be #1 at a position but ended up at #2 or worse. As long as the HC is in tune to these things, knowing the selection of players in the area, I would think he should be able to court somebody onto his team before summer. (and acts before the team dues are paid)

So again if the HC is really good and is part of a club that is known for success then I would stay.
Apr 16, 2013
I get the feeling all the mixed responses the OP is getting isn't going to help. LOL

I'll give you our experience. My DD played for a team like this, one season. We were used to going to tryouts where 20+ kids showed up. This coach was the coach of our LL's select team and recruited my DD. When we showed up to tryouts, there were only a handful of kids. We knew some that were recruited and went ahead with the team. Once the season started we had 5 strong kids, with 4 mediocre to rec level. It stunk. The coach wasn't great, no kids to swap in and out to give some bench time to kids that needed rest. We weren't a bad team, because the 5 strong kids would often win the games for the others; but we weren't a strong team. However, the tension was there and most of the better players and families were unhappy. After the season was over, only 2 kids showed back up for the next season. The coach did the same thing, pulled together what was basically a rec team and ended up being the worst or 2nd worst team at every tourny they entered. I hear he's still going to keep trying to field a team. YMMV

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