Mask or No Mask

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Nov 18, 2013
I was curious so I dug up the article. While I don't fully agree with all of the anti mask comments this is the first time I've seen both sides presented. Most articles are from overzealous parents trying to scare the hell out of people with meaningless analogies as proof that masks should be mandated.
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Jun 12, 2015
I am however disappointed when I hear parents get on their soapbox about another pitcher not wearing a mask - it's not their kid and not their liability.

I mind my own business IRL, no soapbox, but it makes me VERY nervous to watch games with the pitcher not wearing a mask. Other positions, eh, whatever. But pitchers often just don't have time to react to a hard hit back at them no matter how athletic and talented they are. Very, very few girls in my DD's age group don't wear a mask these days, but when there is one it's hard for me to watch. I'm nervous for the pitcher; she may not be my kid, I might not even know her. But I still would prefer she not lose any teeth, or worse.
Jul 5, 2016
I was curious so I dug up the article. While I don't fully agree with all of the anti mask comments this is the first time I've seen both sides presented. Most articles are from overzealous parents trying to scare the hell out of people with meaningless analogies as proof that masks should be mandated.

I don't much care for that comment from the D1 coach to the effect that masks indicate some sort of deficiency. I would not want my daughter to play for such a person. I suppose coaches like this would subscribe to a certain point of view in the British Admiralty prior to 1914 to the effect that "speed is armor" as a justification of under-armoring some of their battle cruisers in exchange for speed. It didn't work out very well for a few thousand sailors.

Also, I was interested to see that Chelsea Wilkinson of U. of Ga. started wearing a mask her senior year. I don't know why.
Nov 26, 2010
Someone was saying that they never heard of a safety switch. All I was doing was explaining that a "safety switch" is the same as a "safety". I have a few handguns and about 1/3 of them have some sort of safety mechanism.

I have never heard them called a switch before, and my comment was mostly because that was not a valid or equal point to the rest of the statement as it is a choice and not a requirement.
Jul 16, 2013
I mind my own business IRL, no soapbox, but it makes me VERY nervous to watch games with the pitcher not wearing a mask. Other positions, eh, whatever. But pitchers often just don't have time to react to a hard hit back at them no matter how athletic and talented they are. Very, very few girls in my DD's age group don't wear a mask these days, but when there is one it's hard for me to watch. I'm nervous for the pitcher; she may not be my kid, I might not even know her. But I still would prefer she not lose any teeth, or worse.

Always a fear of mine as well, but that decision is not mine to make. However, at first year 14u I was coaching third during one of our games. The third baseman was playing in far enough that I was uncomfortable. Our best hitter was at the plate. The other teams dugout was on the third base side so I whispered to the coach "please back up your third baseman, she isn't going to bunt". A few pitches later she hit a rocket down the third base line for a double. It was high enough it would not have hit this girl anyway, but still made me very nervous.
May 12, 2016
Is there really people who are so narrow minded to think a girl with a mask is somehow less of a player? Wow.

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Exactly.. or somehow a girl wearing a mask somehow shows weakness. People are narrow minded
May 12, 2016
So is the argum- I mean - discussion, about wearing a mask in the circle, or other positions on the field?

As far as the circle...I have zero problem or think anything, positive or negative, about a girl that does or does not wear one while pitching. YMMV. Great thing is that right now everyone has the freedom to choose. I choose to have my DD wear one while pitching. I am however disappointed when I hear parents get on their soapbox about another pitcher not wearing a mask - it's not their kid and not their liability.

I do think it's a little ridiculous when the outfielders wear them while playing for what it billed as an "A level" team. Can't think of any real A level players that are risking their faces playing 150' away from the batted ball. And really don't see the need for 2B or SS either.

<ducking for cover>

My daughter plays on an "A Level" team and wears a face mask in every position. She mostly plays 3rd but also plays outfield. You are contradicting yourself in your post. For example, you said
" I am however disappointed when I hear parents get on their soapbox about another pitcher not wearing a mask - it's not their kid and not their liability. "

And then you say
"I do think it's a little ridiculous when the outfielders wear them while playing for what it billed as an "A level" team."

If it does not hinder the player, who cares what level of ball they are playing. Just because it's A Level and they have more skill, it doesn't mean an accident cannot happen. I think it's a little ridiculous that anybody would think it's ridiculous that a player wears a face mask at any position
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I am beginning to think that some college coaches alleged aversion to facemasks may have less to do with the actual player and more to do with other factors.


Feb 20, 2012
Let's not speculate here but instead look at hard facts and see if we see a trend here (NCAA D1):

Team Batting Average: .287 *record
Team Scoring: 4.82 *record
Home Runs Per Game: .77 *record
Team ERA: 4.13

Team Batting Average: .260
Team Scoring: 3.72
Home Runs Per Game: .52
Team ERA: 2.92

Team Batting Average: .252
Team Scoring: 3.41
Home Runs Per Game: .32
Team ERA: 2.44

A couple of things to note...
1) Fastpitch softball has grown in popularity over the past decade meaning more girls are playing (larger talent pool).
2) TB has grown exponentially, therefore even players outside of CA are now playing year round.
3) Pitchers are throwing harder and physics dictates that the faster a pitch comes in, the faster it leaves the yard.
4) More pitchers are throwing (or attempting to throw) riseballs, and a riseball hung down the middle of the plate usually ends up in the parking lot (physics).
5) Weight training and conditioning has made players bigger, faster, stronger.
6) More at bats = more selective batters, forcing pitchers to tighen up.
7) All of the items above and improved bat technology = more home runs.
8) As a pitchers dad I am a big fan of moving the outfield fences to 225'!

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