Little known hazard at the Ballfield

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Jul 26, 2010
That's hilarious!

The other day I was warming up a pitcher at a HS game at a high profile school (great team, great stadium, craptastic field). I was on the other side of the right field fence squatted while the pitcher threw. I drop a ball and look down to pick it up, and right between my legs is the gutsiest gopher I ever laid eyes on. He's popped halfway out of the hole that he's in staring straight up at me. I expected him to run back into the hole when I saw him but he was just giving me the stink-eye. I slammed the ball against the ground near his hole and he went back down only to pop right back and stare at me.

I wasn't going to mess with this guy, so I just told him, "these are not the nuts you're looking for" and moved down ten feet or so. That gopher is probably still there menacing would be catchers.

Mar 28, 2013
love the caddie shack reference, got me thinking next pitching workout Im going to have my DD's right at release go na na na na na na na na .should improve accuracy.
Oct 4, 2011
still not as dangerous as the under-cooked brats at the concession stand.

My son is old enough now that he's off playing his own sports on the weekends, but back when he was 8 or 9 he spent his weekends at the softball field. First tournament of the summer, he would overindulge on hot dogs and spend Saturday night barfing -he and the dog, who spent his time eating sunflower seed hulls, peanut shells, bits of hot dog, melted ice cream, you name it!

The groundhog story is hilarious. There used to be a squirrel who would hang out at the tennis courts. This little guy would actually paw through our tennis bags while we were on the court! We would throw a tennis ball at him and he would scurry up a tree and yell insults at us before sneaking down to try again with our bags.

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