Interesting blog on multi-sport athletes.

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Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
How is this all possible. To be so active, maybe overly active to some. Yet she has time to be a slob and sit on the couch and watch TV? Because every kid has the time to do these things. They just chose to not. If your dd actually only wants to play one sport, good for her, I hope she reaches her full potential and is happy. My dd was not happy to be told she couldn't play other sports, so we found a way for her to compete all year. If your dd wants to play more then 1 sport, make it happen for her. It will make her happy and a better softball player, I guarantee it.

China...As KCPRK said congratulations! I hope both you and the membership didn't take my former posts in this thread as advocating a specialized athlete nor was I trying to make excuses for the kids. I was just pointing out the realities of today's societal atmosphere which is the pressure to not only succeed but excel. I agree that many kids could and should play more sports if they want. There is always a way to make it happen with the willingness and support of parents. That being said, my DD is a 1 sport athlete; not because we won't let her play others but because she has tried many other sports and has no interest in playing them. She would much prefer to be in the school play, travel and sing/play piano in the school show choir, practice her piano, read books and spend her extra time practicing SB than spending it on sports she doesn't like. AS CoogansBluff basically said, there's no one right answer as long as there is such a variety of circumstances per each family and kid.
Nov 26, 2010
China, how many kids do you have? you mention your daughter, but not another child, so I assume she is your only one? I just think that your daughter must be truly exceptional. good for her, but no it is not possible for all kids to accomplish all that. And obviously you are a superior parent because you allow your daughter to participate and excel in everything she does. I have 4 kids, they can't all be everything. IF you have 4 kids and they all do everything and are #1 in their class all while sitting on the couch all day I would love to know how you accomplished that. Thanks!
Actually I have 2 kids, and frankly my son was only 5th in his class, but we still love him (I joke) I get that not all families are in the same situation, frankly you have no idea what my situation is either. I can tell you that having a child with 2 auto immune disorders is nothing I would ever wish on anyone. My point isn't that my kid is better then yours or that I am a superior parent. My point is don't make limiting excuses for your child. If your family is limited by resources I understand that you can't spend a lot of money on sports and shuttling kids around places, I grew up in a 7 kid family believe me I know first hand how that goes. But we make excuses all the time for our kids sitting in front of video games and "hanging out" for hours on end as if they came upon that magically and without parental approval. We all get 24 hours in a day how you use that time and how your kids use that time is what makes things happen.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL

How many D1 and D2 scholarship athletes play more than one sport? I do not know the numbers but I would bet that it is way less than 1%. D3 may have more than 1% but not much more. The first thing out of my DD's college coach was "What other sports do you play".

I would guess that the numbers of D1 and D2 athletes playing more than 1 sport is somewhere above 1%. The first thing they asked my DD is if she had any younger sisters. :) They seemed much more focused on what she could do than what she did. Most coaches only care about the skills you have developed, not the path you took to do it.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
How is recruiting going to be impacted with the govt paying for your first two years of school? If a scholarship towards your education is the goal is it easier to take the free school (and cheaper) than to pursue the scholarship?

We talk about distractions and so many things taking kids out of sports. is this another?

Very good questions. I would assume, and yes, I know what happens when I assume:), that if this actually goes through, it will be meaningless and have little affect. At least around this area and several other areas that I'm familiar with, a two year degree starts around $18K and may, big may, top out around $28-30K. It either seems to be a GED making minimum wage (unless they go and become a truck driver) or a 4 year BD starting at $35K as far as the job market goes around here. Heck, teachers in DW's school district have to get their masters within 5 years of being hired or else they're deemed underqualified and will be RIFfed.
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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
How is recruiting going to be impacted with the govt paying for your first two years of school? If a scholarship towards your education is the goal is it easier to take the free school (and cheaper) than to pursue the scholarship?

We talk about distractions and so many things taking kids out of sports. is this another?

It won't impact it since it will not happen. That proposal is DOA and rightly so since there is no money to pay for it. And it will only serve to make the first two years of college look just like High School.
Oct 22, 2009
My DD's orthopedic surgeon played 3 sports at Harvard all while earning his medical doctorate. Whenever I think "overachiever" his picture always pops in my head.:rolleyes:
Feb 3, 2011
How is recruiting going to be impacted with the govt paying for your first two years of school? If a scholarship towards your education is the goal is it easier to take the free school (and cheaper) than to pursue the scholarship?

We talk about distractions and so many things taking kids out of sports. is this another?
Do you think that scholarship possibilities are the prime motivator for a large percentage of student-athletes?

There should be no tuition at 2- or 4-year public colleges. We spend almost as much on debt collections (and defaults, it seems) than it would cost to simply fund tuition for all qualified applicants. Rolling back the exorbitant administrator and professor salaries/benefits at the university level would also help. Students at public schools would still be required to pay facilities fees, room, board, etc., and there would continue to be private institutions as well, so athletic scholarships would still have value across the board.

Even though that vision is a long ways off - enlightenment rarely happens in the blink of an eye - I would still direct my child towards merit-based academic scholarships with a focus on what she'd like to do in her post-college career. If she were one of the country's best soccer, tennis, or basketball players, I might view things differently.
Sep 18, 2011
A little curious about the definition of "playing other sports." Does it have to be an official varsity high school sport to count? What about ultimate frisbee and dodgeball with friends? Karate lessons? Dance lessons?

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