Info on practicing technique on all aspects of game

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Nov 7, 2010
My DD has decided to start playing softball at 11. She is loving it but of course is behind the other girls when it comes to ability. I know the game of softball and can teach her that but I need help with teaching her technique in fielding, throwing, hitting, catching the ball etc. Is there something out there that I can read or watch that will show me practice drills that I can teach her. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Fall ball is about over and she really wants to improve alot over the winter.

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
Boy, you can tell you're a rookie! Is there material out there? You bet. Hope you're planning on getting a second job, because there is a ton of it.

The USA Softball series is a pretty good place to start. You can find it here. There are tons of other great books and videos out there, some general, some specific to a particular aspect.

You may also want to check with local colleges or training facilities to see if they have any clinics or camps to help her get started properly too.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
At a few book stores I have been able to find “Coaching Fastpitch Softball Successfully” by Kathy Veroni/ Roanna Brazier, I think it is a good book to start with. It is a shotgun approach to everything but that seems to be what you were asking for.

One of the reasons for all the forums, books and videos is that not everyone agrees with 1 opinion. If it was that easy there would be 1 book and 1 video then we would be done.

Personally I am a big fan of repetition; I know it creates bad habits. The other side of the argument is do it right the 1st time. I can argue both ways.

I know it was not your question but I would strongly advise you to only work on 1 or 2 of her weaker points at a time. If you try her to do it by the “book”, and there are 5 or 6 things going on, you will both fail and be frustrated.
Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL
Wow, I can't believe I beat Amy to it for once.

Howard Kobata's DVD's for catching, throwing and fielding are very good. Covers the basics well and has progressions that build to more advanced skills.
Howards Site

Hitting...I'll leave to others. I haven't found anything like well enough to recommend.

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