Encouragement (carrot and/or stick) from a former player/coach is priceless. This is an attribute that great coaches have. Parents can only do so much.
Our high school has youth night for the local organization. They print out team posters and do autographs. They make the older girls accessible and they will even help with practices as their schedules allow... if you ask.
My DD would do all the catching things except block. I reached out and they basically gave me a practice plan and talking/encouragement points to start. Still flinching & crying. So they sent their catchers to our practice. Literally did the same practice that they provided me, but the results were remarkable. They even used softballs. Not lite-flite, tennis balls, or other softer options we tried. We haven't looked back. And it only took one session.
Seeing and hearing it from someone more relatable to them gave me, and much older but former player catching coach, credibility apparently.