Ill-equipped, 22 y/o, unmotivated TB HC in WAYYY over her head...when/if to step in?

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Apr 14, 2013
Long Island
Sounds like it was your job to get the Insurance cert and round up a team to scrimmage last minute.

She is the one that is supposed to make the girls better players.

She insists on doing the paperwork so there's nothing I can do about that. And when I said I handle the scheduling, I should really have said that I suggest tournament dates to the HC based on players' availability. She still has final say. I should have been clearer on that.
Jun 24, 2013
To paraphrase on old song " Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much...."
By stepping in and handling the admin duties, she is not getting to learn what it takes to successfully RUN a team.
I have been the HC for 2 travel teams at the same time. I was responsible for getting the team set up through the sanctioning bodies, getting the insurance, ordering uniforms, scheduling practices, organizing finances, etc. IT IS A LOT TO DO! But, I also have been able to set up other travel teams because of my experiences from the first one. I, too, stepped up to the plate and "took over" because of incompetence at he HC level of several teams my DD's were on.

I say start a new team. Since you are already doing most of the duties anyways, you just don't have the title of HC.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I guess you have to decide the purpose of the team. Is it about the players and your DD getting better or to provide someone with the opportunity to become a competent HC through trial and error at the expense of everyone involved. This smacks of the High School softball mentality of support the coach no matter what and give them a chance. If they are incompetent they just need a few seasons to figure it out. BS, this is travel ball and the HC either has the goods or not. Unlike HS ball a Travel Ball HC serves at the pleasure of the parents who are footing the bill. If they are not getting the job done they need to be replaced ASAP. If this is not the right environment for your DD either fix it or move on.
Apr 14, 2013
Long Island
Well said, rise. DD wants to stay with this team for now but I have a feeling she'll be looking to leave after the summer and join another team.

To out in LF, I hear what you're saying, and I agree, to a point. I'm all for having someone learn but this is travel and there are certain things which should be under control since that's what I'm paying for. She can have all the time in the world to learn, but not on my dime. I'm paying for a degree of professionalism and I'm getting Little League goods. And my daughter's progress, as well as the other daughters, are suffering. In the meantime we recently found a really good instructor for DD and they have hit it off wonderfully. I've seen more progress from this one instructor in two weeks than I've seen since last fall from our coaching staff.
Oct 22, 2009
WB, I give you a lot of credit for sticking it out and doing your best to help a tough situation. Best of luck finishing the season and finding a better fit for your DD next season.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Are you seriously this out of touch with what I've been saying? Or have I touched a nerve?

I would suggest the following answers.

1) Without Question.
2) Most Likely.

Remember that unlike us TB heathens OLIF's softball world is not encumbered by freedom of choice.
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Apr 14, 2013
Long Island
Well, here's another update. I was able to get us into a last minute tournament so Saturday was salvaged. We had four games that day and we faced some amazing competition. Then we won both games of our league play yesterday, which is nice.

Most likely DD will be leaving this team this weekend. The coaches have been picking on her badly the last few weeks and she's been miserable. It all came out during Saturday's tournament...I've never seen her look so defeated. She does everything they ask and always gives 100%. Not sure why they're taking it out on DD but I have a suspicion they're trying to hurt me through my kid. They may feel threatened by me. What a shame, she really loves her teammates but by this the wife and I can't abide. It's time for her to move on.
Jul 9, 2009
This is good lesson for anyone reading. The probability that a young coach just cutting her teeth will be able to handle the duties of coaching and administratively run a team with a positive effect is nil. They don't even know what they don't know. It's far different than playing.

They should start out as an AC with an emphasis on skill development or they will need very good support and leadership mentoring through the organization including much admin help. If it isn't provided run quick and fast.

I've seen situations just like this in the past and at the end of the season it looked like a cockroach convention when the lights came on. The parents/players scattered in all directions and it took a big toll on everyone involved including the well intentioned but ill prepared coach(es) - (one was MIA some of the time).

When a vacuum is created on a travel team the chances it gets filled (or at least attempted for better or worse) is 100%.
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Apr 14, 2013
Long Island
I agree, Monk. The team we may move to is a pretty big organization and is well established with people who have experience at all levels. The reason we didn't move sooner is mostly because DD and her teammates got along so great. Unfortunately the bad has outweighed the good lately. DD, the wife and I learned a lot during this experience. I instructed DD to talk to the HC after her game on Sunday and told her to keep it positive and resist the urge to garbage dump. You never know if paths will be crossed in the future so we're going to keep it respectful and try to leave on good terms. Thanks, all, for the input along the way.

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