How to throw better

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Any good videos or just suggestions on making an average thrower more accurate and stronger?

Not pitching, but overhand throwing. ...

Kinda surprised that this subject doesn't come up more often.
May 18, 2009
I noticed my youngest DD throwing with a high cross body motion leaving her forearm high and not bringing down and across to her left hip. Not sure how to describe it but its wrong. All upper arm and shoulder. I watched a little pitcher this weekend and she would throw and leave her arm long and straight to the target allowing the hand to snap while leaving the arm at shoulder height. Just doing easy throws. I had my DD throw a few like that to get her arm to release properly. I'm going to continue with it until I get the hitch out of her throw.
Jun 24, 2013
We used the USA Softball videos with Mike Candrea. The Defensive drills video he shows how to teach throwing. We use this on our 8U through 14U's.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Thanks to all. ...

Thanks to Amy for posting that. I think I saw that you posted that another time and was looking for it.

My daughter throws OK, but I think she doesn't 'stretch and fire' adequately (to borrow a hitting phrase).

On her follow-through, her arm/hand tends to point toward the target rather than coming down.

What is that a symptom of?

She had some recent outer elbow trouble that probably is a result.
Oct 10, 2011
Austin's book is great in showing how a high level throw can be achieved. I go back and look at the videos frequently. I do know that if you do some of the things he suggests, you may have coaches try to "correct" it. We've found that out from experience. DD's throwing has improved dramatically though we still have to remind her at times about using her body better, etc... DD used to have a lot of elbow pain but hasn't had any for the last 5 months or so until this past weekend. She threw the ball from close to the fence dead on to home plate stopping a run, but she said it really hurt after that. Feels good now though.
It takes a lot of time, so be patient:)
May 18, 2009
Austin's book is great in showing how a high level throw can be achieved. I go back and look at the videos frequently. I do know that if you do some of the things he suggests, you may have coaches try to "correct" it. We've found that out from experience. DD's throwing has improved dramatically though we still have to remind her at times about using her body better, etc... DD used to have a lot of elbow pain but hasn't had any for the last 5 months or so until this past weekend. She threw the ball from close to the fence dead on to home plate stopping a run, but she said it really hurt after that. Feels good now though.
It takes a lot of time, so be patient:)

I love those long throws to the plate. They really get the stands talking. My oldest DD did that this weekend on a tag up on third to home. The stands started buzzing. It was cool and makes a dad proud.
Oct 10, 2011
I love those long throws to the plate. They really get the stands talking. My oldest DD did that this weekend on a tag up on third to home. The stands started buzzing. It was cool and makes a dad proud.
You're right NV...Congrats to your daughter!
It was kind of funny, because she warmed up with the infielders to play 3rd and hadn't practiced outfield in a long time. We had an injury, so they said go to left field. She ended up making some fantastic plays and got the MVP Award. Our coach said a college coach asked about her after the game:)
Jun 21, 2010
I love those long throws to the plate. They really get the stands talking. My oldest DD did that this weekend on a tag up on third to home. The stands started buzzing. It was cool and makes a dad proud.

Same here. DD caught a fly ball in left and threw out a girl going back to 1. About 120 feet, but got the parents going crazy. Made me feel really proud.

Austin's ebook is excellent. I highly recommend it. I think there was a good thread in the fielding forum that addressed throwing. DD went from an elbow down side arm throw to more of an L, which is better, but we are working on the high level throw.
Dec 3, 2012
West Coast
My DD for some unknown reason has started to want to throw the football all the time. She has gotten her spiral down pretty good so we keep throwing and include it as part of our throwing routine. Any thoughts or advantages in including throwing a football into a routine.
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