First Tournament

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Aug 27, 2020
Hi, my name is Miah and my team is going to our first tournament this weekend. It is a one-day tournament what do I as a player need to bring and what should I expect?
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
What to expect is impossible too say but bring a cooler with a lot of ice, drinks, snacks and food.

If your weather is like ours start drinking a lot of water now before the games.
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Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Another thing, we have never been to a tourney that was not a 1/2 hour round trip to a store.

Do not over think this and load up with stuff.

Good luck to you and your Team.
Apr 11, 2016
A tournament can be all day (if you keep going and not get eliminated). I am the parent who has extra everything for the girls since I used to coach so I am used to having the extra stuff with me. Some stuff goes with me to the games and some stays in the car.

This is what goes with me. We have games that sometimes go back to back and there wasn't time to go to the store to get stuff. I have a wagon so everything fits in it:
- Bandaids and first aid esp. painkiller such as Tylenol or Advil (some coaches have it, some dont, plus coaches may be busy at times)
- Lots of water, esp. a bottle that will keep the water cool. It's been hot lately. I recommend bringing a cooler to keep an extra bottle of water in the cooler. If you like Gatorade, bring a few bottles.
- A cooling towel if you have one.
- Candies. Yes, between games can be tiring, and a few pieces of candies can pick you up.
- Tons of snacks, esp. some fruits and crackers
- Your parents will need chairs if they are going, preferrably ones with built-in umbrella.
- If you don't have time for lunch before your first game (sometimes our girls play from 8am to 5pm), then make some sandwiches as well. What you are looking for is tons of proteins and carbs to keep you going all day.
- Due to COVID, many tournaments don't let you all sit in the same dugout. Our team gave each girl a bucket to sit on. So make sure you have something to sit on if they make you and your teammates sit far apart.
- (Optional) Glove repair kit: you will never know whose glove falls apart. Yes, it was my own daughter whose glove fell apart one day, thankfully we still had the other one she just outgrew in my car. After that, I always bring this repair kit with me. Just a needle and extra leather, fits in the gym bag for a quick fix
- (Optional) Base sweeping brush: I used to coach so have this in my bag anyway. Loan it to the ump several times.
- (Optional) Some tissues. Never know if the bathroom is BYOT (bring your own tissues)

This is what stays in my car:
-Extra change of clothes in the car such as socks, t-shirts, undies, sweatshirts, sweatpants, and towels. A pair of sandals for your ride home would be great.
-The other set of team uniform (even if you are not wearing that color on the day, if you need to change out of your current uniform, at least you can play since in tournament, you must play in a shirt with your number on it)

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