Eating and school ball

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Jan 20, 2023
What did your kids do to fuel high school sports? Granola bar between school and practice?

My daughter starts next week and I’m worried about her not taking in sufficient calories (both throughout the day and for practice/ games). We have fall softball.

Any tips to get them to snack before practice or games?
May 16, 2016
For High School we play in the spring here in Illinois, so it is usually rather chilly until mid May or so. Daughters brings a lot of meals in a thermos and she eats the meal after school gets out. She brings a lot chicken and rice, steak and rice, pasta with italian sausage, mongolian beef, etc., and some fruit. Basically she just brings a lot of leftovers from the night before.
May 29, 2015
We have fall softball in Illinois . . . middle school. Although it really is more "late summer" than fall.

OK, yeah. Jealous.
Aug 5, 2022
Hydrate hydrate all day long. Don’t skip breakfast. Make lunch as big as they can in the time slotted and bar of some kind after school. Most softball practice doesn’t actually burn as many calories as you think but dehydration is real.

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Nov 15, 2019
I really like this sports nutritionist, she has a lot of great suggestions for how athletes should eat, snack ideas, etc

Jan 25, 2022
Despite my suggesting otherwise, mine takes nothing extra to school. Then at least once a week she doesn't eat the school lunch because it's something "gross" (really it probably is). But most days I get a text asking me to bring a protein bar or banana to the field for practice. Sometimes I forget and tell her to suck it up, or take her own food.

During game season, the kids usually get to be at home for a few minutes before getting back to the school for the bus, or to leave home with whoever their ride is. So she generally will eat something. And then there are the kids who get to the away game and are running to concessions before warmups.
Jun 6, 2016
This is such a struggle for us. Our kids hate the school lunches and often don't eat lunch at all or just eat terrible snacks.

Our team performs much better in our summer rec league than in the HS season even though our summer competition would probably around the upper half of HS teams we face. I'm starting to think that our players actually being physically and mentally properly nourished is the likely reason for it.
Jan 25, 2022
This is such a struggle for us. Our kids hate the school lunches and often don't eat lunch at all or just eat terrible snacks.

Our team performs much better in our summer rec league than in the HS season even though our summer competition would probably around the upper half of HS teams we face. I'm starting to think that our players actually being physically and mentally properly nourished is the likely reason for it.

It drives me nuts when mine is about to walk out the door for a game and when asked, says she didn't eat. She just doesn't get through her skull that she can't go out there on an empty stomach and expect to drive off the mound 120 times without bonking. She does occasionally remember to eat, and will proudly display her eggo waffles and say "look! I'm eating like an athlete!"

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