Disappointed....need advice on 12u tourney team

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Oct 22, 2009
Skreed, we are based in SE PA (outside of Philly) and we have a new 12U and 10U team in our organization as well. Even the USSSA C level tournaments are getting "tougher" because many teams are playing down that should not be (including some of the "name" organizations in the area). There are a number of non-sanctioned tournaments in our area run by organizations that are rec/C level that are good tournaments to enter for first year teams. PM me you email and I can send you a list I distributed to the coaches of the younger teams in our organization.
Apr 16, 2014
Thanks for all the replies...simply knowing this is pretty common makes me feel better. I have coached rec. Ball but this is a completely different animal. We have been seeing steady improvements over the past months so that is a good thing. I have been doing alot of research on this and talking to others...im glad to see the progress we r making is pretty much on par with other new/young teams out there. I am so proud of these girls...esp my dd or course. We have a lot to learn but there is a strong foundation to build on and thats important.
Dec 3, 2012
Maybe they have something out there like they do in the Kansas City area for rec teams making the transition into tournament ball. ASA has a few tournaments called ASA VIP tourneys that are specifically designed for young and inexperienced teams that are relatively new to tournament ball. We do still have a few experienced teams that look for trophies and will play in them even when they advertise themselves as B and A level teams, but that's another thread....lol. Sounds like PA SB Dad can get you set up with some good non-sanctioned tournaments. Good luck and hang in there!
Mar 26, 2013
...an AC got fusterated with the whole thing and left and now they asked me to AC and to be honest I am overwhelmed with the amount of work this team needs and the resistance im getting from the HC.

...i work with her 3 to 4 times a week pitching and hitting but can do only so much. And now she is on a rec team to get some practice but she is so far ahead in skill level its not helping much.
Are you still working with your DD in addition to the TB and rec teams? If so, could you expand those workouts to include other players?

First-time TB teams don't know where they stand in comparison to other teams and their coaches aren't familiar with the levels of competition at different events. Try to get some advice from an experienced coach about events where your team can be competitive and challenged.

Keep the focus on improving and the game results will change.
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Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
I second the advice that if they are improving as a team, and your DD is improving, then you are in a fine spot. Our team wins about 30% of our games, but the team is getting better, and the loses are getting closer, the fielding is getting better, the hitting is getting better, so I am very happy. DD is getting better at hitting and pitching as well. She does not get as many reps at first as I would like, but that is her fault for not capitalizing on her opportunities. When she has capitalized she has been rewarded by getting more innings/moving up the lineup.

There is no perfect roadmap for development. Some say to get onto the best team even if it means little playing time, etc. I personally think that I want my daughter in the middle of the talent mix on a team. When she gets to the top 2-3 then it is time to start thinking about moving to a better team at season's end to get her back into the middle etc..... that way she is never so far behind that she is discouraged, but she is not so far ahead that she is coasting.
Apr 16, 2014
Yes I am involved with her Rec. and TB team. I did have the thought to talk to the head of both associations about friendly games and or recruiting some kids. I was of the mind set I wanted my DD to be around the middle of the pack also so she may learn from better girls and yet still get playing time. But I am now thinking about what a few people said about the grass not always being greener and how even though the are getting beaten up they are still learning and getting better. On her team now she is near or at the top of her team but not to far ahead that she is getting board and she has so much to learn that she just does not know from playing 10u rec ball. I'm going to take of of the advice I've gotten recently and try to apply it to the situation and see what happens...I will keep you posted!
Jun 11, 2013
If it makes you feel any better, we had a 10U team moving up to 12U 2 years ago. Lost our first game 18-0 and our first 10 games. I think our record in the fall was something like 6-20. Same team the following fall minus a couple of players, but no huge pickups went 27-5 in the fall. My advice is to make some notes on plays you think you should be making now but don't. check back in 4 months and you'll see that you are making them consistently. You'll go from being surprised when you make a good play to being more surprised when you don't.


Feb 20, 2012
The best way to improve is to play teams that are better than yours, but no one likes to get run ruled every weekend. Your head coach should strive to find tournaments where he can expect to win @ 60% of his games if the team plays well. Be leery of coaches who boast about winning 7 tournaments last season and having a .900+ winning percentage......we have C-level (rec all stars), low B, high B, low A, and high A teams and tournaments and our TDs do a pretty good job of preventing teams from "sandbagging" once the tournaments start and they get to see the teams play. They will also "redline" a pitcher and not let her pitch if she will outclass the batters.

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