Can one person coach 2 travel teams successfuly?

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Aug 23, 2010
Would you let your star pitcher play on two teams during the summer? How is this different? We have girls sign commitment forms for the season. I would think a HC should follow the same rules.
Apr 9, 2012
So let me get this right PGS you rotate your teams every other week for tournaments ? So your teams have to go 2 weeks without playing in a tournament ? What happens if it rains and you only play one game, now you have to wait 2 weeks till the next tournament. While I applaud your efforts and think it is great that you put so much time in. Don't you think you are taking away from the girls by only playing half a season of softball.
Maybe this works with a "B' team but that would not fly with the elite teams. If my DD was told she would only be playing half a season because the coach wanted to coach another team we be finding another team.

They play every other weekend and during the spring and fall play doubleheaders one weekday night. Being we have 3-4 tournies within a 100 mile radius every weekend during the 2 seasons and we have a tourney every weekend of the year in our area the girls play well over a 100 games each.

So the assumption its a half season is false.

And the assumption my teams are not elite is prejudice and misinformed.

Dont trash something you have never done or attempted as it means you are judging based on ignorance of the subject. Tell me or my players they cant do something so we can prove you wrong.
Aug 29, 2011
PGSAKen, kudos to you for pulling it off but I think you are in the very small minority of folks who could successfully pull it off. As along as both teams know what they are getting into go into it is probably not a problem for you or your girls.
Jul 28, 2008
I know a local coach that has done it in the same organization. He practices were back to back. I don't know how he pulled it off, but he did.
May 17, 2012
The bar has been raised. Who here can coach three teams?

If they are the same age what if they play each other?
If they are different ages and I need a sub can I pull the best player from the younger team?
Can you argue with yourself if two of your teams play each other?
Could you coach third the whole game if your two teams played each other?
Would you protest yourself if you submitted an incorrect lineup?
Do you scout your other team when you play exhibitions?

So many questions....
Aug 4, 2013
I did it this past year and it was even two teams within the same organization ('01 & '03) was very difficult. Had great AC's on both teams but I really believe both teams suffered from a lack of consistency in coaching.
Rare is the situation where this can work in TB.


Feb 20, 2012
Can one person really coach 2 travel teams in 2 separate organizations (10u & 14u) and give both teams 100%? I am trying to be open minded here and looking for thoughts from others:)

I think people who coach one TB team are insane, so coaching two may qualify someone for a straight would be very difficult to do both since conflicts are bound to occur. I have know of coaches who are a "head coach" for one team and an "assistant coach" on another. When a conflict occurs, they go to their head coaching job.....
Apr 9, 2012
I know a local coach that has done it in the same organization. He practices were back to back. I don't know how he pulled it off, but he did.

Thats a big key-being able to practice at same facility and stack practices each day.

The organizational skills have to be top notch and free time to organize and plan has to exist. 2 teams fills 100% of my time so 3.......dont see how.
Apr 9, 2012
The bar has been raised. Who here can coach three teams?

If they are the same age what if they play each other?

Dont schedule on same weekend. Scrimmaging is easier tho

If they are different ages and I need a sub can I pull the best player from the younger team?

Yes-done it with success. Girls love it

Can you argue with yourself if two of your teams play each other?

I argue with myself anyways so nothing changes.

Could you coach third the whole game if your two teams played each other?

I prefer to stay in the dugout.

Would you protest yourself if you submitted an incorrect lineup?

Id just argue with myself-see above.

Do you scout your other team when you play exhibitions?

Im supposed to be playing exhibitions.

So many questions....

My head hurts from all the conflicts!

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