Can one person coach 2 travel teams successfuly?

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Aug 5, 2013
Can one person really coach 2 travel teams in 2 separate organizations (10u & 14u) and give both teams 100%? I am trying to be open minded here and looking for thoughts from others:)
Sep 20, 2012
SE Ohio
I think so, you need some good ACs.
If you have good ACs, then one of them should probably take on the HC duties.

Could I see someone doing it well? Maybe. But unless it is that person's full time job and they have no other life beyond coaching, I would think one team or the other (or both) is going to suffer from the lack of focus. I'd say no until I saw otherwise.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
I agree - you can head coach one and AC/help on another - but you can't HC two travel teams.

You should never have to choose WHICH game you should be at - it should be clear. Even in the same tournament fields can be 30min-1hr apart so even if the schedule doesn't have games at the same time you can't really be there for both teams.

I have in the past HC'd one team and then helped with skills development/AC for another travel team at the same time. That was a big commitment but was doable. No way I could have been a HC for both.
Apr 9, 2012
I have coached 2 teams within my club for 3 seasons now. I live at the ballfields but I did that before anyways.

I schedule tournies on opposing weekends to avoid conflict. I stack practices and lessons everynight as well.

I have a practice at 5 and lessons at 8 for example. Both of my teams have been successful including going to Nationals this year.

I do have team moms that perform their duties well and good ACs who pull their weight. These girls like to play for me as a coach and I have coached their sisters or do coach their sisters now lol. So I sacrifice my life for their futures (and I enjoy the present with them)
Jul 10, 2013
So let me get this right PGS you rotate your teams every other week for tournaments ? So your teams have to go 2 weeks without playing in a tournament ? What happens if it rains and you only play one game, now you have to wait 2 weeks till the next tournament. While I applaud your efforts and think it is great that you put so much time in. Don't you think you are taking away from the girls by only playing half a season of softball.
Maybe this works with a "B' team but that would not fly with the elite teams. If my DD was told she would only be playing half a season because the coach wanted to coach another team we be finding another team.

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