Can an B level player play down on a C team as pitcher?

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Mar 21, 2013
You have B & C level teams in the same division in the same league? Sounds odd, but for regular league play I believe league rules would apply. Wouldn't work in our league. She would count as a "pick up or pool" player, and if pick up or pool players are used they must have been drafted in the 6th round or later. Prevents using subs to stack teams.
Jun 12, 2015
I'm not sure anyone here even tracks the individual players. The team we were on in the fall is registered as an A team with USSSA and USFA. We just picked up with a B team on Saturday. I don't know that anyone would even have known she was from an A team. And on that A team, there were probably 5-6 A level players, the rest mostly high B, and one probably mid-level B (of course this is all opinion b/c like someone said, there's not really an objective definition of any of these things). The games she pitched in Saturday were only her 5th and 6th games ever pitching, and she's 9. So her playing w/ a B team despite having A experience from the fall did not seem unfair to me.
Feb 4, 2015
Olathe, KS
USSSA and ASA do not allow a player registered player on a B team roster to play on a C team in a C classified tournament. If the C team is playing up in a B tournament then the B player would be allowed to play. Teams are suppose to play a the level of the highest roster or guest player on the team. If this is rec league then you would follow the rules for the rec league. There may be exceptions approved by the local tournament director. Here in KC the coaches and Tournament staff do an ok job of policing this and at least once or twice a year a team gets caught doing this and ends up forfeiting some games. I am sure that there are teams that do this and do not get caught.

USSSA makes it easy to look up players via their web site and phone app. ASA you have to know the players and be very sure of yourself before you drop the $100 down for a protest.
Oct 22, 2009
The real question is why would the parents of a pitcher let their DD pitch against lower level competition than they usually pitch against? IME it is no fun for anyone if a pitcher records a dozen strikeouts.
Jun 12, 2015
We did it because we've had a really rough fall (some very unfortunate coaching issues that have affected her confidence), and she needed it. Both to play on a team where she'd actually get to pitch, and to remember that softball is supposed to be fun. It was her very best friend's team, her old coach from 8U whom she loves, and without my dd they would have had to drop out of the tournament probably, since they didn't have enough players. They had to pick up 3 girls to play at all (actually I guess they could have gotten away w/ picking up 2 & playing with 9, but it was a 10 fielders tournament, seemed weird to me but whatever). And like i said, with her being a first year pitcher with only 4 games pitched all fall, I didn't feel like it was an unreasonable choice. She played B all last year.

I don't regret it a bit. It was a big confidence boost for her and she had a great time. This weekend we're back in a 10UA tournament and definitely prefer that though.
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