Being Pitched Inside and getting hit multiple times lately

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Dec 19, 2012
It's 12u and I highly doubt it's travel ball since your dd's hitting .900 with power so the pitches can't have that much on them. I also highly doubt she's being hit on purpose. My dd, at the TB level in 12u, was a softball magnet. It seemed like she got hit about twice a game on average. We still laugh about it.
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
Sorry if I wasn't clear.

Seasons before her weakness was the outside of the plate as she would set up further from the plate.
She is not a big girl...maybe 90 lbs and 4'10" but has very good lower mechanics /upper mechanics can be better.
She can hit with power too and leads the team in 2b and 3b.
So to compensate she has moved in towards the plate to help cover the outside part of the plate and now of course that have been lately pitching her on the inside.

Guess we need to find a middle ground in terms of her batting stance and increase her hand speed.

I don't understand why you're talking about making changes to her swing at all. If she can foul off balls on the outer half while waiting for something to drive, she's golden. Until such time as she can't catch up to a fast pitcher, I wouldn't change a thing. JMHO.
Oct 7, 2014
She's in the batter box the entire time..probably 1 1/2 - 2 feet from the edge on the inside of the box.

But I will check her setup again and get a more definitive answer.

Obviously I don't expect her to keep this up.

Started the whole thread cause I have not seen her get hit so many times lately and the pitchers lately don't seem to want to really anything but tight and inside.

Just worried that if they continue she going to get hit in the head

BTW all the info has been great and appreciate any comments and advice period
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Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
Good grief Comp, I know that, and it is strongly implied by my sentence. Do we have to write in all the legal minituae to mention something that is not on the Rules Forum? And BTW, they do enforce the rule properly in my state, and many pitchers can easily get the screwball completely in the batter's box.

Where is this umpire utopia? Just once I'd like to see an umpire in SoCal enforce the rule as it should be. I see batters all the time here sticking their knees or elbows (with their Barry Bonds pad) into the strike zone get hit and are always awarded 1B.
Jun 22, 2008
Good grief Comp, I know that, and it is strongly implied by my sentence. Do we have to write in all the legal minituae to mention something that is not on the Rules Forum? And BTW, they do enforce the rule properly in my state, and many pitchers can easily get the screwball completely in the batter's box.

If you know it then why state something about a rule that doesnt exist?
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
My DD used to drill right handed batters with her screwball when they would setup in the back of the box and crowd the plate. Often umpires had to explain a dead ball strike to the opposing coach. Now that she is in college the hitters are a bit smarter.
May 4, 2014
So Cal
My kid is a ball magnet... she isnt afraid of the ball and will not make an attempt to move away until the very last second... shes been hit everywhere.. her HBP matches the rest of the team COMBINED for the season.. nothing intentional just a lot of inside pitches trying to jam players up with my DD still getting timing right for pulling left.. she stays in too long causing a weak grounder or a HBP ... been working on her timing which should resolve the weak inside hits and some HBP (or at least will get hit more in the front side rather than side/back)

I agree with others that you need not say anything as I doubt they are doing it on purpose... are they pitching her inside on purpose - yes most likely but doubt if its with intent to hit... also I would rather have my DD get hit in the head with a ball than anywhere else - thats what the helmet is for - thats the one spot that is fully protected - aside from being startled it shouldnt hurt at all
Jan 25, 2011
Where is this umpire utopia? Just once I'd like to see an umpire in SoCal enforce the rule as it should be. I see batters all the time here sticking their knees or elbows (with their Barry Bonds pad) into the strike zone get hit and are always awarded 1B.
My dd hit the same girl 2 times in a friendly (16u). The batter was so close to the plate, I had a feeling she was going to get buzzed, but the batter stuck her elbow out in to the strike zone to get hit. Dd will not back down to girls that crowd the plate. She likes to waste a pitch and see how close she can get to them. Dd has to establish the inside on a batter early to see what the ump is giving. By the way, I didn't see what benefit it was to the batter in that friendly. She should have been working on hitting the inside pitch not trying to get hit.
Oct 22, 2009
At 12U and 14U, I want my pitchers to learn to command the inside part of the plate, including the river. I've told them I will never get mad at them for hitting a batter. It's part of the game.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I do not think I would worry about it yet, if she is hitting .900 just keep doing what you are doing and hopefully it will slow down. If it doesn’t I would ask her coach if they know why she is getting hit so much. Maybe they know and just like having her on base all the time.

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