Attitude Problem with Player

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Sep 12, 2015
So just so everyone knows I am also her pitching coach in the off season.She is a sophomore in high school.My life is pretty much fastpitch softball I am the one who sits on the bucket for her when we don't have a catcher.Vey to catch mainly in the winter.The there thing is I have been trying to educate both my pitchers and catcher's as to what pitches they should be throwing I've giving them pitch calling charts that break it down real simple for them to take home and study and when I quiz them on it they have no clue as to what pitches or location the pitch should obviously this information I'm passing along is not being studied.Also I would love my pitchers and catcher's to be able to call the game that's my goal.Sorry I probably should have explained the situation a little better.

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Oct 22, 2009
If she is not listening to any coaches, you can either allow this entitled behavior or you can bench her and let her see that her attitude is hurting the team. I am tired of princess pitchers who think the team cannot live without them.
Oct 2, 2015
OK...but, when are you going to "test" the students to see if they learned anything? Do they never get to use anything?

Additionally...the coaches that I see calling pitches have never thrown a softball in a game in their life. How did they become experts at pitch calling?

Let's call this what it is...a control issue. The coaches want control...they don't want their players to do anything without being told to.

The result is a bunch of kids who are technically proficient, but have no clue how to play the game.

Different situations...the person on the bucket at an SEC game has his/her house payment riding on the season. His/her sole means of support is based on the outcome of the game.

This right here ^^^^^^


Feb 20, 2012
So just so everyone knows I am also her pitching coach in the off season.She is a sophomore in high school.My life is pretty much fastpitch softball I am the one who sits on the bucket for her when we don't have a catcher.Vey to catch mainly in the winter.The there thing is I have been trying to educate both my pitchers and catcher's as to what pitches they should be throwing I've giving them pitch calling charts that break it down real simple for them to take home and study and when I quiz them on it they have no clue as to what pitches or location the pitch should obviously this information I'm passing along is not being studied.Also I would love my pitchers and catcher's to be able to call the game that's my goal.Sorry I probably should have explained the situation a little better.

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If you are the pitching coach in the off season, who is her pitching coach during the season? How long have you been coaching her? Has she ever had another HC or PC? Not sure I am a fan having a head coach and pitching coach as the same person for TB or HS.
Sep 29, 2014
OK think about it this way you have coached her this whole time, this is just another skill you are going to teach her.

I am super confused about your "pitch calling chart" that they can't understand.

Realistically you should only have pitch/location 3 maaaaybe 4 pitches (please don't tell me she has six pitches) and 4 locations, I taught my 12U girls the basics in a couple minutes??? How complicated are you trying to make this. Then it's the basics when in doubt low and away, two or three good foul balls in a row throw a change, if the batter is always late keep throwing heat, crowds the plate come inside and so on.

I would work with them in teaching them to call the game not fight against them. If you are not scouting the opposing team ahead of time, tracking pitch location and hit spray chart then you can't really do anything they can't do during the game. Plus let her communicate with you about pitches she is feeling good about that day or maybe it's the umps strike zone. Then it's the basics when in doubt low and away, two or three good foul balls in a row throw a change, if she is always late keep throw heat, crowds the plate come inside and so on.

Learn to let it go, then watch them fly.
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Nov 16, 2015
Make sure she understands the WHY behind what you are calling. I have learned it is very important. I call all the pitches and this has alleviated alot of frustration for our pitchers and catchers. I make sure to catch pitchers during practice sessions and work through pitch sequences. What level do i want this pitch at when and why. It has helped immensely.
Communication is huge. It has take a bit, but our catcher now understands what i am looking for with each pitch of each pitcher. For example, how is her curve ball reacting in this strong cross wind. She came to the bench yesterday and said dont call her curveball anymore, its not moving. Just what i need as a coach and she is also processing information.

We were up pretty comfortably in a game last week. We were resting our #1 catcher. I let her sit on my bucket and call pitches. I was right beside her and was able to work with her when needed. She loved it and learned a lot. My goal is for her to be able to call the game without me at some point.

I caught for 30 years. Started with baseball and switched to fastpitch softball after college. Never once did i have somebody call a game for me. I can tell you from experience it was easier for me to call the game from behind the plate than from the bucket


Feb 20, 2012
I am super confused about your "pitch calling chart" that they can't understand.

When I started letting my catcher call the game I told her "change planes and change speeds to keep the batters off balance, smile and have fun".....there was no memorization, no charts, no books to read, no pop quizes. Granted the first time she did it was not at PGF Nationals. A lot of coaches like to micro-manage and takes tournaments that do not mean a thing WAY too seriously!
Sep 29, 2014
Make sure she understands the WHY behind what you are calling. I have learned it is very important. I call all the pitches and this has alleviated alot of frustration for our pitchers and catchers. I make sure to catch pitchers during practice sessions and work through pitch sequences. What level do i want this pitch at when and why. It has helped immensely.
Communication is huge. It has take a bit, but our catcher now understands what i am looking for with each pitch of each pitcher. For example, how is her curve ball reacting in this strong cross wind. She came to the bench yesterday and said dont call her curveball anymore, its not moving. Just what i need as a coach and she is also processing information.

We were up pretty comfortably in a game last week. We were resting our #1 catcher. I let her sit on my bucket and call pitches. I was right beside her and was able to work with her when needed. She loved it and learned a lot. My goal is for her to be able to call the game without me at some point.

I caught for 30 years. Started with baseball and switched to fastpitch softball after college. Never once did i have somebody call a game for me. I can tell you from experience it was easier for me to call the game from behind the plate than from the bucket

Confused ?so are you saying you wish someone had called pitches for you or you should let your girls call pitches?
Nov 26, 2010
So just so everyone knows I am also her pitching coach in the off season.She is a sophomore in high school.My life is pretty much fastpitch softball I am the one who sits on the bucket for her when we don't have a catcher.Vey to catch mainly in the winter.The there thing is I have been trying to educate both my pitchers and catcher's as to what pitches they should be throwing I've giving them pitch calling charts that break it down real simple for them to take home and study and when I quiz them on it they have no clue as to what pitches or location the pitch should obviously this information I'm passing along is not being studied.Also I would love my pitchers and catcher's to be able to call the game that's my goal.Sorry I probably should have explained the situation a little better.

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Is this pitcher also your daughter? Because this throws a whole new dynamic into the conversation.
Aug 10, 2015
I think we are asking too much of 12-14 yr old girls to understand all the things going on in a game to expect them to be able to call a game from start to finish. I had a 12u pitcher mad at me for calling a certain pitch to a batter, what she didn't understand was there was 2 minutes left on the clock & the umpire wasn't going to call anything a strike so we wouldn't have to play another inning. Once I explained to her throwing a meatball would have resulted in a line shot being hit back at her she then understood why I was calling what I was calling. too much to ask a 12 yr to figure out on her own while trying to throw strikes. Communication is the key between coach & pitcher and catcher. Too many coaches don't do anything to learn their pitchers resulting in bad pitch call for that particular pitcher. As we all know teenage girls can be quite "moody" and I have seen catchers make bad pitch calling just because they are mad at the pitcher that day and want her to fail. Best thing that ever happened with my daughter was playing for her pitching coach. 1 yr equaled tons of confidence which is what 12-14 yr girls really need. she is now able to play for someone else and is able to communicate with new coaches and catchers on throwing her best pitches at the right time. My post earlier got some responses about my remarks about the dugouts calling the pitches. My point is why expect the girls to do it themselves when at the next level the pitching coach will be doing it because their job depends on it. I would rather have my daughter be able to effectively communicate with the coaches about what they want in any certain situation and then be able to execute it rather than trying to figure it out on the field.

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