ASA Registration - Split???

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Jun 18, 2012
Thank you, fastpitch26. I think the rules regarding "pick-up players" is similar in Utah to what they are in PA. Neither of the teams (my team or the high school varsity team) go to qualifier or state championship tournaments. Oddly, the tournaments we go to are in Idaho. Why? Because they are a bit more laid back, and allow 2-3 players who are a year older. We're in 16U. Even though we must register in Utah, it would likely be the Idaho ASA code we need to look at regarding "pick-up players."

I think what kills my plan is the following:
ARTICLE 16: Residency Once electing to participate, a player must be properly listed on a
roster of an ASA registered team during the current season, to be eligible to compete in any
tournament play in the current season. An ASA registered team has a minimum of 8 players Fast
, and 9 players Slow Pitch.

This probably means a team that doesn't have at least 8 players on its official roster may not compete in any ASA sanctioned tournament. I don't think this means I can't register DD as the only person on a second roster (my team #2). Again, my intent with this is for her to be a "pick-up player" so that she can play with my team for some tournaments and for the varsity summer team for some tournaments. Given my team and the varsity team will most often be playing in tournaments at the same time, if she were simply on my team 1 roster, she could not play with them and not us, if I understand the rules correctly. Thus my wondering about registering her as the lone player on second team of mine roster.
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Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
I guess the question becomes why you feel the need to roster your DD at all. From what you have said, she will be playing a couple of tournaments with several teams as pick-up player. Why not just leave her unrostered and let her pick-up wherever?
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
Around here, if the player is rostered by the team she is playing pick-up for as a pick-up player for that particular tournament, then she is sanctioned for that tourney. You need to check the rules regarding pick-up players in the areas you plan on playing tourneys in.
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Jul 26, 2010
If you're not playing in qualifiers, then the ASA roster rules really do not apply. Look to the tournament directors for clarification on their own rules. The important part is that she is registered and insured somewhere. Ideally she should be restored on whichever team she will be on when she plays qualifiers/nationals, ect.

Jun 18, 2012
If you're not playing in qualifiers, then the ASA roster rules really do not apply. Look to the tournament directors for clarification on their own rules. The important part is that she is registered and insured somewhere. Ideally she should be restored on whichever team she will be on when she plays qualifiers/nationals, ect.


Neither team (neither us nor the varsity summer team) will be playing in qualifier tournaments. Given that, see would still need to be registered and insured. Can you do that with ASA without having her on a particular roster?
Jul 16, 2013
Based on your situation, I would suggest carrying her on your TB roster and have the varsity team carry her as an "add on" player. By having her rostered you have the registration and insurance covered.
Jun 18, 2012
Based on your situation, I would suggest carrying her on your TB roster and have the varsity team carry her as an "add on" player. By having her rostered you have the registration and insurance covered.

But, as I understand it, if she is registered on my team's roster, she cannot play with the varsity team if we are playing in a tournament at the same time. As I understand it, a player can only "pick up" with another team if her team isn't playing. This is why I was thinking of simply registering a #2 team where she is the only registered player on the roster, and thus she is just a "pick up" player.
Jul 16, 2013
But, as I understand it, if she is registered on my team's roster, she cannot play with the varsity team if we are playing in a tournament at the same time. As I understand it, a player can only "pick up" with another team if her team isn't playing. This is why I was thinking of simply registering a #2 team where she is the only registered player on the roster, and thus she is just a "pick up" player.

That could potentially be a difference between your area and mine. Other than qualifiers and state events, it really doesn't matter as long as she is registered and insured. However, if the two teams would play against each other, the manager of the team she is rostered on could protest if she was playing on the opposite team. It doesn't sound like that will be an issue for you. In our area, the only thing we need to be careful with is that the player is only permitted to play on one team during that tournament (regardless which team she is rostered with). If she is playing for the varsity team, and they are eliminated early on Sunday, she cannot change uniforms and join the TB team, or vice versa. But, like I said, it may be different in your area.
Jun 18, 2012
That could potentially be a difference between your area and mine. Other than qualifiers and state events, it really doesn't matter as long as she is registered and insured. However, if the two teams would play against each other, the manager of the team she is rostered on could protest if she was playing on the opposite team. It doesn't sound like that will be an issue for you. In our area, the only thing we need to be careful with is that the player is only permitted to play on one team during that tournament (regardless which team she is rostered with). If she is playing for the varsity team, and they are eliminated early on Sunday, she cannot change uniforms and join the TB team, or vice versa. But, like I said, it may be different in your area.

If she plays for one team in a particular tournament, she woukdn't be switching uniforms and playing with the other.

My question now is this... To be registered with ASA, she must be registered on a teams roster. I see no other way to register her. Given that, I don't know why I couldn't simply register her as a lone player on a team 2 roster that I generate that will, of course, never be playing in any games. It would just be set up to have her registered and insured, but she'd always play as a pickup player.
Jul 16, 2013
If she plays for one team in a particular tournament, she woukdn't be switching uniforms and playing with the other.

My question now is this... To be registered with ASA, she must be registered on a teams roster. I see no other way to register her. Given that, I don't know why I couldn't simply register her as a lone player on a team 2 roster that I generate that will, of course, never be playing in any games. It would just be set up to have her registered and insured, but she'd always play as a pickup player.

Unfortunately, I cannot answer that question. I think there is a minimum team size to register a team (at least here). If it was my DD playing in our region, I would register her on my TB team and allow her to play for the varsity team as a pick up. Even if we played against each other, I would not "protest", because I was the one making the arrangements. She would be playing for the varsity team against my TB team while rostered with me. Definitely confusing, but in my area, it can be done this way.

Of course, this would not fly for qualifiers or states, but you already stated you are not doing those.

I guess the question you need to answer is what happens in your area when both teams play the same weekend? In my region, it doesn't matter. She can play for whatever team she wants, and it doesn't matter who she is rostered with. Provided both coaches are in agreement.

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