ASA Registration - Split???

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Jun 18, 2012
I have a competitive team. My daughter has been on that team. She, a sophomore, would like to play several tournaments this with the other high school varsity girls. Of course, that is a competitive team coached by the high school head coach. My question is this.... Is it possible for me to register two teams, say an A and B team, just to make it easier for my daughter to pick up with the that other team. What I mean is I would register all players but my daughter on the A roster, register her on my B roster, and I would pick her up for tournaments we want her to play with us, they would pick her up for tournaments I let her go play with them.

Will this work?
Mar 26, 2013
I don't see what the second team (i.e. B) does for you that you can't do with DD on your regular team.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
As far as I am aware, you can do this. Your DD would be considered a guest player and not be on the official A team roster. However, if you were to take your team to a qualifier and had her play on that roster, she would now be locked into that roster and be available to play only with your A team. She can play up, but no longer play down once locked into the A roster.
Jul 16, 2013
As far as I am aware, you can do this. Your DD would be considered a guest player and not be on the official A team roster. However, if you were to take your team to a qualifier and had her play on that roster, she would now be locked into that roster and be available to play only with your A team. She can play up, but no longer play down once locked into the A roster.

This is the way I understand it as well.


Jun 22, 2008
This is the way I understand it as well.

ASA does not have "guest" players. She can only be registered on one ASA Junior Olympic team. If a team is purely local, and never playing ANY type of championship play, it would be up to that league to allow her to play. They can do whatever they want locally as long as none of them decide to partake in championship play. And make sure the coaches are aware of this. Every now and then a coach may realize he's got a good team and try to challenge them by entering the team in a state tournament and, oops, now you may have a problem.
Jun 18, 2012
As far as I am aware, you can do this. Your DD would be considered a guest player and not be on the official A team roster. However, if you were to take your team to a qualifier and had her play on that roster, she would now be locked into that roster and be available to play only with your A team. She can play up, but no longer play down once locked into the A roster.

I guess I didn't explain well. I'm not talking about her playing up. With the A and B it's team 1 and team 2. I'd have all my players but her on team 1 and her the only one on team 2. I would have to do something like this because the team she wants to play with will be playing one weekends when we will be playing. As I understand it a player on my roster cannot pickup with another team if my team is playing that weekend. I guess my real question is this... Can you have just one player on this team 2 roster to make so she's not really tied to a team? She'd pick up with us for some tournaments, her high school varsity summer team for other tournaments.
Feb 3, 2011
ASA 'B' teams are generally your league all-stars, so those teams normally aren't formed until after the spring rec season. You're ASA Region 13, so your local association would be able to tell you when they can register as 'B'. And there's usually a cutoff date for 'A' players who wish to become and remain B-eligible for the rest of the year. For example, where I am, if a player is on an 'A' roster after April 1st, then she's an 'A' player for the rest of the year and ineligible for ASA 'B'-designated competition which, for us, would be all-star tournaments and ASA fall B league.

If you're forming a team right now, I don't see how you'd qualify for an ASA B designation.
Jul 16, 2013
ASA does not have "guest" players. She can only be registered on one ASA Junior Olympic team. If a team is purely local, and never playing ANY type of championship play, it would be up to that league to allow her to play. They can do whatever they want locally as long as none of them decide to partake in championship play. And make sure the coaches are aware of this. Every now and then a coach may realize he's got a good team and try to challenge them by entering the team in a state tournament and, oops, now you may have a problem.

Maybe this varies by region... In PA, guest players are permitted, but they are called "pick up" players. I was able to download the form, but apparently I am too stupid to attach it :) Edit = Go to Under the forms section are notes concerning pick up players. Pick up players are even permitted at state events, if certain guidelines are followed.

Doug - I think the important question is will either team go to a national qualifier or a state championship event? The rules get more strict in PA when states and qualifiers are involved. If so, that is the team to register her on. From there you should check with your ASA organization to see what rules they may have concerning guests or pick up players. As far as having both teams playing the same weekend, I don't think that will matter unless you are in the same tournament. For that tournament she would only be permitted to play for one team. If that team is eliminated, she cannot switch dugouts, as an example.

We did have a little drama in this area two years ago. A player started the season for one team. She quit and joined our team. Mid summer we played her old team in a game. The opposing coach claimed she was illegal to play for us because she was on their roster. We explained the situation to the tournament director and he allowed her to play for us. But again, I do not know if this is a rule, or just a decision made by that tournament director. It was an "open" event.
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