another mask question

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Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
My DD learned to pitch with the Rip it and she is very comfortable with it. She also wears sunglasses as needed with it if that relates to regular glasses.

She took a screamer line drive to the right chest about 1.5 years ago. Knocked her backwards a couple of feet and on her back like you see in a cartoon. Thankfully, it only knocked the wind out of her and she got up and finished that game along with a couple of others later that day. I ordered the evoshield the next day. We took time to mold it to her body correctly for maximum fit, but she never wore it. She said it was too restrictive and didn't allow her to pitch (move) comfortably. We all know what happens when our DD isn't comfortable in the circle. Every couple of months, I bring it back up trying to get her to reconsider. It hasn't worked yet, but I keep hoping. I tried to mandate it, but I eventualy caved because she couldn't (or wouldn't ?) find the plate with it on.

So far she has been hit in the chest pitching and right wrist (pitching arm - she was converted to a lefty) when hitting. She won't wear the wrist evoshield either :(
Last edited:
Dec 12, 2012
sweet, the Rawlings zoombang is much less expensive I noticed. Does it offer the same protection as the evoshield?

No, not at all. The evoshield is hard and protects around the torso, so ribs and back too. The zoombang is "padding" (gel actually) in the center of the chest only.

I know that the gel/padded, hex or foam heart guards don't guarantee to save her if she takes a freakly-timed line drive to the chest, but I could see that it might distribute impact and I think that it lessens the risk of heart defrib.

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