An Unusual Situation

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Jun 7, 2013
Last Sunday my 12 year old DD had tryouts for the local organization. We were nervous
because last year, besides pitching, my daughter totally bombed it. Her first tryout was
for pitching and the high school HC and 12UA coaches watching her intently. To make
a long story short (at least the way I would tell it), she nailed it! Her velocity was good.
Her accuracy amazing. And all three pitches (FB, CU, DB) were working. After she was
done the high school HC called her over and congratulated her. And to make another
potentially long story short, she did fine with the hitting, fielding and running aspects of
the tryout.

With that performance we thought that the "A" team was certain. However, the following
day I got a very excited call from the "B" team coach glad that my DD was joining his team.
He said that he was amazed that she was available after the "A" team selected their players.
He said that she was ranked number one amongst all 12U pitchers and added, that he has
never seen a higher pitching score.


A little history. A couple of years ago in 10UA my DD was the "A" team's coach ace pitcher.
She pitched the team into the top bracket of the state tournament. However, she had a mishap.
Without her mask on, she was hit in the face by a hard line drive and ended up flaking out by
the state tournament time. She dropped to "C" ball last year and seemed to have regained her

Anyways, she seems to be black balled by this coach. I guess we're going to have to move on!?
May 7, 2008
Many times, we just never know. I got some good advice from a man that I respected a lot, that would work here. If there is nothing you can do about it, just smile and act like it is the greatest thing, ever. 'Oh, thank you! She will be very happy." Then, encourage her to be a part of the team, lead and smile - and hustle.
Apr 17, 2012
Does the "B" team ever compete against the "A" team? Revenge would be sweet if you were able to pitch her against that team and have her kick there A..!
Jun 24, 2013
What the HC told you was inappropriate, forget their comments.

I would not jump because you feel your DD was treated unfairly, I would jump if you find a better situation for your DD. Good news is it sounds like your DD is going to get a lot of circle time!
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
She may be better off where she is. Sounds like the coach is thrilled to have her and at that age it is all about the innings. This may be a better opportunity for her. I would keep an open mind.

My DD was sometimes 2nd fiddle to another local pitcher that some thought was better. Fast forward to first year of college and my DD is pitching lots of innings and racking up the K's and that other pitcher is riding the pine.
Nov 29, 2009
Are the pitchers on the "A" team coaches daughters? That would explain a lot of things. Are the other pitchers also as strong as your DD? Has your DD proven she can perform against the high level 12U teams after her incident at 10U? Big difference between game and practice pitching. Has the "A" team been together for a long time? Is their roster full? Does the "B" team need a stronger pitcher to compete. Is the "A" team the older team and the "B" team the younger team? Does the "B" team play a similar schedule to the "A" team? Far too many questions with regards to the situation to give any meaningful advice.

As others have stated, the "B" coach was a little over-exuberant in welcoming your DD to the organization. My guess is he's been looking for a strong pitcher for the team and your DD showed up filling the need for the team and the organization.

Is the supposed "snub" you're feeling shared by your DD? If she's good with it and feels like she wants to play for the team then keep your feelings to yourself and let her play. If she is echoing your feelings then move on, you'll never be happy there thinking your DD was slighted.

Just remember the old grass adage.
Jul 16, 2013
She may be better off where she is. Sounds like the coach is thrilled to have her and at that age it is all about the innings. This may be a better opportunity for her. I would keep an open mind.

My DD was sometimes 2nd fiddle to another local pitcher that some thought was better. Fast forward to first year of college and my DD is pitching lots of innings and racking up the K's and that other pitcher is riding the pine.

I agree with riseball completely. There is more to it than just "A" and "B". At least in my area I do not trust the A, B, and C rankings anyway. The coaches of each team make that determination and it may or may not be accurate. As long as she is enjoying herself and she is playing against quality (challenging) competition, that is all that matters to me. And as inde said, revenge would be sweet if she ever gets the opportunity.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Additional Thoughts - If your DD is a pitcher, more than any other position the considerations when choosing a team are unique. There are exceptions but more often than not the HC and AC's will not be contributing that much to her growth in the circle. Chances are that you have an outside PC or you have assumed that responsibility. Everyone wants to be on that winning team that goes deep every Sunday, but that may or may not be conducive to her long term growth. The reason that team goes deep every Sunday may be because they are deep in pitching. If the team is carrying 3 - 4 quality pitchers she may not get the innings she needs to realize her potential. She may be better served on a team with 1 quality pitcher where she splits the time but still has to compete for the prime games. See the big picture, keep things in perspective, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You will be amazed how things work out for the best.
Jun 7, 2013
I want to thank all of you who have responded. Your help is greatly appreciated! As I
am sure my fellow "softball fanatics" understand, this has been a hard situation for me.
As for my daughter, she was definitely disappointed maybe, more so, because her
friends are on the "A" team. However, she seems to be taking it in stride. I will take
the advice given. We will pretend this "B" team thing is the greatest thing in the world;
we will make the best of the opportunities on this team; and evaluate where we are by
the end of the season--and where we want to go. And, also, if my daughters gets to
pitch against them watchout!!! Revenge is sweet, indeed. :)