7yo swing

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Jul 1, 2022

I have a clip of my DD taking a swing of front toss, some things I noticed.

1) Foot gets down when ball is about halfway to the plate. Is this too late? Should it be down sooner (at pitch release)?

2) Hands gets disconnected on the load, back elbow drops before foot is down. Then hands drag the bat straight across messing up the bat path.

Is 2) caused by 1)?

Any suggestions or other observations would be great. She hits great off the tee (makes sure to have hands stay connected and get foot down before hands go)

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Jul 1, 2022
She’s got a good swing for a 7yo. Keep it fun and don’t try to teach her much. Let her be an athlete (which she looks to be). You get to telling her a bunch of stuff and she’s gonna slow down and start thinking. JMO
I appreciate it. I'm definitely going to just let her swing it without making her think too much.

These questions are moreso for my own education. IMO thing that'll improve her swing the most at this point in time is just growing naturally and getting bigger/stronger.

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Apr 20, 2018
She is way ahead of the average 7 year old. Get her a short bat she can do one handed tee work with. Have her create line drives to the right side with just her front arm. Should clean up that down and across swing path. Stick to task oriented instruction. She will figure it out.
Also, don't be afraid to pitch the ball a little faster/flatter.
Jan 1, 2024
VERY good swing! Do not go down the rabbit hole of nitpicking her mechanics. Some athletes fall into good mechanics naturally and this one swing shows your kid is one of them. Physics guides the mechanics of the swing and her body has found those mechanics by feel. She appears to already be at the point where training should be centered more around sharpening her timing, hitting based on pitch location, and training bat speed (just keep reminding her to swing hard). The only thing your daughter could improve on here is to work on not looping her bat (keep the bat head up and take it to the ball without letting it first drop). Many coaches try to fix something that's not broken. Your kid ain't broken!
May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
For a player this young I would recommend getting a plastic bat have her swing at some whiffle balls. One major problem I see all the time is that the bat is too heavy, which leads to bat drag, the bat head drops and the elbow gets in front of the hands. I see some of that in this swing. Once bat drag gets in there it's very persistent and difficult to change.
Jul 1, 2022
Season started and she's been very successful at the plate (8u coach pitch caveats aside). She consistently gets really good contact and has decent pitch selection (still chases balls high in the zone but doesn't everyone?)

Despite her success, I noticed her hands dropping and bat dragging in a couple action shots her grandfather took.

Is this something that will fix itself as she gets bigger/stronger or is it worth taking steps to address it (connection drills? Strengthening the forearm/wrists?)

I am thinking about leaving her alone on this and addressing it next offseason when she is bigger/stronger but also don't want this to become a habit that's very difficult to break. I know bat drag is very common amongst young hitters so I wanted to ask if this is something I should nip in the bud or is it ok to wait.


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May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
It's never too early to work on fixing bat drag, it is incredibly resistant to change. Even now you are going to have your hands full. I think there are a lot of things which are common that lead to drag, batting tees, heavy bats, high lob pitching and bad instructional cues from coaches.
Apr 20, 2018
Fix it now. Search forum/Google about fixing bat drag. Try different ways. But fix it now. I used a gizmo that kept elbows from getting closer to each other.