Hitting hip and throwing inside

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Apr 14, 2022
Another conundrum wrapped in an enigma. Is there a height/wingspan dimension that would help determine whether a large arm circle (centripetal force) or tight circle (more whip) is more beneficial to a specific pitcher?

I think Folkard is 6' 4" and seems to use a somewhat tight circle with elbow bend.

I know there are more than one way to do things, but I gotta believe, in the case of pitching, there is an "optimum" way to use your body. Just not sure exactly what that is or if it's the same for different body types, and are we talking significant advantages or just minimal.
I would guess upper body strength plays a role. When shooting a basketball women tend to use slightly different form. I doubt many people in the world (men or women) can shoot like Lebron from range. With less upper body strength does momentum mean more?
It is really tough to determine athletes being athletes, vs an issue that needs to change.

May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
I looked at about a dozen men's pitchers in the games posted on YouTube. Several things stand out. Glove swim is not an issue because they all throw from a very, very open position. Because of the crow hop there is additional time that needs to be accounted for, basically this slows the arm circle and makes the first part of it irrelevant. I saw one pitcher in a finals that was a sling shotter. So the men generate most of their velocity from 12 o'clock on.
Jan 20, 2023
I would guess upper body strength plays a role. When shooting a basketball women tend to use slightly different form. I doubt many people in the world (men or women) can shoot like Lebron from range. With less upper body strength does momentum mean more?
It is really tough to determine athletes being athletes, vs an issue that needs to change.

It’s interesting - in swimming the workouts are very similar for men and women except the men tend to do a little more volume. I read a study that women have shoulder injuries at a rate 4.1x the men.

There was a correlation between pectoral length and shoulder pain in a follow on study.

I guess you’d have to look at backstrokers for underhand impacts.

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