Why I do it....

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I share your concern, but I am not sure concern is necessary. DD had a biology test yesterday (first time with this class). She was nervous about the test, so I was nervous for her. When I got home from work the first thing I asked was "how was the test?". Her response "aced it!!". I was thrilled for her. So then why does hoping for success on the field need to be a concern? In my opinion we just want to see our children do well and be happy. If that is a bad thing, then I guess I will need to live with it. That said, I do understand that this can become unhealthy depending how far it is taken.

Your last sentence nails it. Rooting for your kid is normal. Just don't take it too far.

Jun 9, 2015
When DD turned 5 the wife and I (both grew up playing baseball/softball) wanted her to play just so DD could be around her friends. Here we are now in DD senior year of high school still going to watch her play. I coached on everyone of her teams (rec ball & travel ball) until she reached high school. Why did i do it, partly because i had to quit playing early in life due to injury and it gave me a chance to be back on the field, but mainly it was because she wanted me to. WE have a great relationship due to the time spent on the field together. i love the fact that i never had to ask her to practice she was always coming to me saying let throw or can you help me hit. Now she has a great knowledge of things she is doing wrong and doesn't want me tell her (she already knows what we need to work on). Seeing your DD with that big smile on her face after having a great game is priceless and something i will cherish forever, giving her the hug she needs and holding her in your arms after a poor performance is pretty special as well.
Jun 18, 2013
I do it because when my DD is 30 years old and done with softball she will still remember that her dad loved her enough to spend his time and energy encouraging her to be the best that she could be at something that she loved to do. When people ask me why I spend so much time and money on softball I tell them I don't. I spend my time and money on my daughter.

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