Who is running the team?

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Nov 29, 2009
Now you can just move on with little distruption and chaulk it up as "experience" and try to avoid any similar situations in the future....

Unfortunately, the situation found the Coach without him looking for it.

As for school administrations. Unless someone does something that is truly illegal they always go into the circle-the-wagons mode. Most scorn anyone who stands up for their principles like the Coach has. It wouldn't surprise me if they accepted his resignation effective immediately.
Apr 11, 2012
Unfortunately, the situation found the Coach without him looking for it.

As for school administrations. Unless someone does something that is truly illegal they always go into the circle-the-wagons mode. Most scorn anyone who stands up for their principles like the Coach has. It wouldn't surprise me if they accepted his resignation effective immediately.

maybe his next gig....he can ask if he could expect that type of pressure from an AD....and you are right about schools administrators fraternal approach to management, which is how most of the corporate world works too....it's tough to bitch or stand up to a boss. We only "vote" in a democracy in the US....the working world is mostly a dictatorship, well that's what I have learned working and in business school anyway. Minus any physical abuse, those dictatorships (fixed overhead like me) are made to screw the guys that actually "swing the hammers" and earn all the revenue....apparently, school administrations are lead by the same capitalistic bast*ards.....errr.....I mean business school graduates....
Oct 19, 2009
beyond the fences
Just curious, What would happen if 12 families made significant donations?

schools administrators fraternal approach to management, which is how most of the corporate world works too....it's tough to bitch or stand up to a boss. We only "vote" in a democracy in the US...

I have tried very hard not to lose sight of the fact that I am coaching for the love of the game
and most importantly for the kids. I have a job that pays the bills! I have sworn off coaching
in the private sector for a while, I will be happy to go to public school. I will tread lightly into my next endeavor
at any private school and will use this experience to ask many detailed and pointed questions.

PDIDDY-thasnks for the thought, I have revised the email to parents citing 'philisophical differences'
as the reason for my resignation.

The kicker in this whole mess? HS ball is much like rec ball as far as talent
is concerned. ie: My RF is a terrible defensive player and bats about .180. She attends every practice
and is a pleasure to coach. She made a game saving catch a few games back garnering high fives from happy team mates
and cheers from her parents who beamed with pride this made my whole year, reminding me why I coach SB at all.
Jun 18, 2010
Coach JV, Thanks for the followup. I was just wondering how your situation was going. Good luck as things play out.
Jan 31, 2011
Thanks Coach, I'm late chiming in here, but I agree with your decision and respect you for it. I would hope if I was ever in your situation I would do the same. My experience tells me the less you put in writing the better. I believe a team meeting where you can talk or even read the email you prepared to them, then toss it. You gave the admin your response, you meet with the players and talk to them, that covers the important stuff. I would avoid the email drama. Just my 2 cents! Good luck Coach!
Jun 14, 2011
Field of Dreams
Coach JV, you sound like the type of coach that a team would be happy to have lead them. I am sorry that such an unfortunate situation presented itself to you. The fact that you kept to your principles is truly admirable. It makes me happy to know that there are individuals such as yourself, who will do right by their players- and by the sport, in the face of such significant external pressure.
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Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
How big a donation would DFP members have to make to the school to fire the AD and keep you as coach? Are we talking a new pitching machine or a new fieldhouse? Not that it would make a difference as we're dealing with a man with principles, but just wonderin'. LOL

Best of luck, Coach.
Mar 11, 2013
Jackson, MS
Careful about lumping all "private" schools together. My kids attend the largest private school in this state. It's arguably one of the most affluent. We also need a softball coach (just saying). I have been with the Booster Club Board for several years serving as President, and I can guarantee this school doesn't allow parents to buy playing time. I was instrumental in the athletics program getting $100K per year for.... well indefinitely. We aren't treated any differently than any other parents with kids there.
Nov 29, 2009
I have revised the email to parents citing 'philisophical differences'
as the reason for my resignation.

That's too generic. It sounds like you just disagree with the administration and are running away with your tail between your legs. Like your silence has been bought off. At least that's what I think every time I hear someone use that phrase.

Something more along the lines of "An influence external to the team has created a negative situation effecting my principles as a coach." That tells everyone you don't want to quit but your character is being questioned or threatened leaving you no choice.

Coach, Did you ask the AD how it helps the school when only the wealthiest kids play instead of the best athletes? Did he have an answer for the rest of the team that would make them see how "good" it is for the school?

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