Who is running the team?

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Mar 29, 2012
I would be so mad I couldn't see straight.

Might want to thik about taking it to the state athletic commision, I wouldn't be surprised if there were rules against buying spots on teams.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
My 0.02. I might write a trustee letter explaining the situation now, but only send it via email to myself. Depending on the AD's reaction to your merit-based playing time plan, you could choose to forward the email to the trustees at a later date or simply sit on it/delete it if the AD stands down from their directive. At this point, its not clear to me whether the donor explicitly or implicitly attached strings to their donation or whether the AD decided to add them as a thank you for the donation. At worst, writing a letter you never send can be theuraputic.

Admittedly, a tough spot, but I respect the way you are handling it. Good luck.
Sep 18, 2011
I'd take it to the school board, the principal, the state athletic commission, the news media - total scorched earth. Absolutely outrageous.
As previously stated always get facts first, imagine the parents horror if they gave the money and said no strings attached but the AD assumed or was trying to say Thank You by telling you as a coach to play their DD as#1 pitcher.

Either way the AD is at fault but the parents may or may not be.
Oct 19, 2009
beyond the fences
AD came to our home game last night.
I started MY #1 and we were coasting 7-0
thru 5 innings. I inserted the AD 'chosen one'
in the top of 6th. Things got rocky and we squeaked out the
Win 9-7. AD's chosen pitcher gave up the
first OTF HR of the season in a 6-run 6th inning as the gap
closed to 7-6. Luckily, we had some stellar defensive
plays to close out the game.

AD left the field without comment........

Thank you all for your input I will let all know the outcome
at the season's conclusion
AD came to our home game last night.
I started MY #1 and we were coasting 7-0
thru 5 innings. I inserted the AD 'chosen one'
in the top of 6th. Things got rocky and we squeaked out the
Win 9-7. AD's chosen pitcher gave up the
first OTF HR of the season in a 6-run 6th inning as the gap
closed to 7-6. Luckily, we had some stellar defensive
plays to close out the game.

AD left the field without comment........

Thank you all for your input I will let all know the outcome
at the season's conclusion

Thanks for the update....hopefully this puts the AD on the path to seeing the light.
Coach JV:
You can't harbor that resentment. You put her in properly, but don't look to justify your position by wanting a kid to fail and then harping on it, here or anywhere.

Players come in at all levels of prior experience. It is JV. Your job is development not bragging on a kid's "failures" to justify your position, no matter how right you are.

While I understand this can be dangerous...I did not see it that way if anything he was bragging on his ability to properly access skill level. I am sure that when he put her in the game it was not to fail or lose but because they had a lead and this is a perfect spot to challenge a player against what was obviously a little better competition see how she performed but still get the win for the team. The player in question will never get better if they only play against teams that are at a lower level she need to be challenged to improve that is part of her development.
Sep 18, 2011
Coach JV:
You can't harbor that resentment. You put her in properly, but don't look to justify your position by wanting a kid to fail and then harping on it, here or anywhere.

Players come in at all levels of prior experience. It is JV. Your job is development not bragging on a kid's "failures" to justify your position, no matter how right you are.

Bragging on a kid's failure? He did nothing of the sort. He gave a factual recount of the most recent game. And nowhere did I get the sense that he was happy that the AD's chosen pitcher struggled. Talk about reading into things that aren't there...
Nov 29, 2009
AD came to our home game last night.
I started MY #1 and we were coasting 7-0
thru 5 innings. I inserted the AD 'chosen one'
in the top of 6th. Things got rocky and we squeaked out the
Win 9-7. AD's chosen pitcher gave up the
first OTF HR of the season in a 6-run 6th inning as the gap
closed to 7-6. Luckily, we had some stellar defensive
plays to close out the game.

AD left the field without comment........

Thank you all for your input I will let all know the outcome
at the season's conclusion

Coach JV,

I would give the #2 a few more chances during the season wile keeping very detailed stats. The #2 needs to be on a very short leash. It sounds like you gave her a LOT of leeway by letting her give up 7 runs. You sound like a person of solid principles. Don't "sacrifice" the team to prove your point to a bureaucrat. They will NEVER get it. You don't speak the same language.

What have the #2's parents said about it? Do they even know what's going on?

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