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May 6, 2015
not coach of this situation, parent, but wondering what you coaches think.

12u C team, has potential to be a B team I think, if team stays together (most are second year).

pretty early on, some girls have played a single position, >95% of the innings (this is not a gripe about PT or position for my DD). currently, SS on team is having issues. not getting a jump on some balls, sailing some throws to 1B, then she will pull the string. continually not making catches on throwdowns to second. her dad rides her pretty hard form sidelines.

I think this highlights the issue of pigeonholing them at this age. basically, at this point, we have no other option at SS. If they sit the girl or put her someplace else (which might in long run be best thing for her, to just let her clear her head for a few games), it would cause all sorts of drama. also, at this point, would require a lot of juggling to put someone else there.

Jun 12, 2015
This year we've had a couple of those dads, and one mom (not as common apparently but it happens). Whenever they're not there, their kids play GREAT. That parent shows up and it's down the tubes. Coaching, riding them, etc. None of the ones who do this are actually coaches, btw. I don't get how these guys can't see they're hurting their kids, not helping them. I know, not really the point here. But maybe if the coach could shut him up she'd be able to focus on the game.
Jul 14, 2018
On a 12U C team, nobody should be playing the same position every inning. They should be all about development, and if they're looking to move up to B-level in the fall it sounds like a perefect opportunity to start moving people around without any drama:

"We're preparing to play against better competition, we need everyone on the team to develop their skills in the infield and the outfield. Expect to play no more than half a game at the same position."
May 6, 2015
On a 12U C team, nobody should be playing the same position every inning. They should be all about development, and if they're looking to move up to B-level in the fall it sounds like a perefect opportunity to start moving people around without any drama:

"We're preparing to play against better competition, we need everyone on the team to develop their skills in the infield and the outfield. Expect to play no more than half a game at the same position."

Im OK with and actually like entire games, lets them focus on one thing for the game, get comfortable, but during course of season they need to move around, and you need to develop a #2 at each spot. unfortunately, this is really the one spot that there is no backup for (we have 3/4 girls who can/have played either F3 or F5, 2/3 who can/have played F4, two F2s, and of course 3-4 F1s, and 4-5 OF), no one else has really played F6 since first weekend of season. and taking one of the girls who might have the tools to play F6 would throw rotation at other positions all out of whack.

I am also afraid that if they tried to make a change, of the drama that would ensue, and that the girl might check out mentally for the season. whereas, if they were giving someone else at least some reps at F6 throughout the season, might be easier all around if they decreased her reps significantly.

two tournaments left, we will see.
Jul 16, 2013
I coached a B level team that gradually developed into a fringe A level team. Nearly all of our players were capable of playing multiple positions, and this was by design for reasons OP has mentioned. Someone can't make a tournament? Someone gets injured? Etc. Plus, our goal was always about development. At the early ages we were trying to develop the players for high school ball. As they aged, it switched to college ball. We had one player in particular that is an excellent catcher (best in the area, in my opinion). She was being recruited by a D1, but the coach told her that she would probably play outfield until her incumbent catcher graduated. So we worked with her almost exclusively in an outfield position at practice and also during any tournaments when that coach was present.
Feb 3, 2011
12u C team
Leave. C/Rec teams are just an activity for girls who need something to do. If DD wants to play real softball, you need to have her try out for some B teams and move on from where you are right now.
May 6, 2015
unfortunately most B teams in our area are already set at DDs position (C) (she left a very strong B team to get more time behind the plate and PT in general), or were 2006 teams (she is a 2007, and small to average size for her age). and this team really could be a B team, if they could avoid the meltdowns, which a lot of times start at SS. and I am not knocking the girl, I think some time away from SS would be best thing for her really, then she could start to see more and more reps and build confidence again. she is playing tight right now.

and DD is not certain where she wants her softball journey to go honestly, but of course we are going to look at options (linin gup tryouts now), just wondering what other thought of the situation, ways out of it.
Oct 4, 2018
This year we've had a couple of those dads, and one mom (not as common apparently but it happens). Whenever they're not there, their kids play GREAT. That parent shows up and it's down the tubes. Coaching, riding them, etc. None of the ones who do this are actually coaches, btw. I don't get how these guys can't see they're hurting their kids, not helping them. I know, not really the point here. But maybe if the coach could shut him up she'd be able to focus on the game.

Our head coach had the guts and confidence to tell a dad he either had to shut up from the sidelines (as it states in his signed contract) or not come to games.

It worked.
Oct 4, 2018
I'm a believer that the girls should learn how to play multiple positions. And not just a #1 and #2 position, but almost all positions. I don't want any of these girls leaving our little 10U team pigeonholed into one position. I want them to be able to try out for a team who needs a SS (or 1B, or OF, or 3B) and say "yes, I can do that".

I get that each position has certain differences. I get covering second on a steal is different from covering 3B on a steal, and that bunt defenses are different per position. But over a 2-year period on this team, I don't think it's too much to expect them to understand how all the positions work.
Jun 12, 2015
I'm a believer that the girls should learn how to play multiple positions. And not just a #1 and #2 position, but almost all positions. I don't want any of these girls leaving our little 10U team pigeonholed into one position. I want them to be able to try out for a team who needs a SS (or 1B, or OF, or 3B) and say "yes, I can do that".

I get that each position has certain differences. I get covering second on a steal is different from covering 3B on a steal, and that bunt defenses are different per position. But over a 2-year period on this team, I don't think it's too much to expect them to understand how all the positions work.

DD's been a coach's kid since 8U. She's had to play wherever there's a hole. SS is her favorite but she's played 1B, 2B, 3B, and OF. This year dad's done coaching and we're team-hunting. I love that when a coach asks her where she plays, she can say anywhere but pitcher/catcher.

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