What does the corner mean to you

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Feb 14, 2010
Good stuff in this read for everyone. Read it, understand it and IMPLEMENT it. It will make all the difference in the world.
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
Originally Posted by Spartans21
What drives the rear leg forward? Is it a push from the inside if the rear foot?

Pad and big toe is what I say to students


Doesn't the hip drive the leg and the foot is just along for the ride? That's what I feel when I am working on it. Maybe I need to focus on something besides my hips firing.
Apr 1, 2014
What drives the rear leg forward? Is it a push from the inside if the rear foot?

When a hitter coils, upper torso components stretch against the inner thigh. An internally rotated rear thigh is the counter lever of the upper half's coil. The "click-back" is the outward manifestation.

During overlap, the thigh explodes as it continues as a horizontal lever against the arching back. That event becomes challenged by a vertical torque that arrests the hip socket in its place. "Reversal of the click back" occurs. The tug of war between the rear thigh and upper torso create the "bind" for hip socket separation. The rear leg "wins" only when the hand swivel releases upon launch.

Pad and big toe is what I say to students


The danger with this instruction is the understanding and a lack thereof, of what is needed to be achieved. Most instructors will not see that the most natural tendency of the activity will lead to the thigh axially rotating in place within the hip socket: ie. A chicken's drumstick is twisted in its long axis. In contrast, what a hitter needs to do is to flip that drumstick as a lever, to shear off as the carcass pulls away. Only then, can effective hip separation occur.

Answer therefore: Sustained contraction of the inner thigh is what drives the rear leg forward.
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Aug 1, 2008
Originally Posted by Spartans21
What drives the rear leg forward? Is it a push from the inside if the rear foot?

Pad and big toe is what I say to students


Doesn't the hip drive the leg and the foot is just along for the ride? That's what I feel when I am working on it. Maybe I need to focus on something besides my hips firing.

Swing starts from the ground up

Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
After applying the Hansen principle and working on my swing in the garage, I do feel a little in my foot. Thanks for the off topic reply.

This thread could be a sticky. Really good info.
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Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
The swing starts in the rear hip. Coil around the rear leg, keep coiling, turn the barrel.

The energy will go down to the ground from the rear hip coil and reflect back up.....but it is not a the thought of a push on the ground. Just worked on coiling around the leg and turning the barrel....the rear leg is then reactive. The whole swing is then reactive. Quick snap release.

Coiling makes it adjustable. The barrel turn triggers the reaction that makes it SUDDEN!
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Oct 19, 2009
After applying the Hansen principle and working on my swing in the garage, I see that it does start from the ground. Not much but just enough to get hip going. Thanks for the off topic reply.

This thread could be a sticky. Really good info.

I’ve had a number of coaches, who I respect their ability to teach hitting, say you want to work on the swing from the ground up as posted by SL.

I think of a swing as transferring energy from the ground through the feet, legs, body, arms, hands, into the bat and finally the ball.

My hats off to you for doing the swing yourself and feeling the result IMO a great first step in teaching the swing.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
The barrel turn triggers the reaction that makes it SUDDEN!
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
I will say I'm kinda torn. I've always felt like the hip/leg led the foot and didn't focus on the foot for fear of "squishing the bug". I do feel a little push on the big toe and inside of foot pad though.

I just don't want my girls pushing forward with the foot. Maybe thats why I don't say that ??

Anyway, this is a great thread. Lots of good info.

4gd2: I've been working on my swing for about 6 months and have come a long way but still have a lot to learn, especially trying to pass it on to my players and dd.
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