upper arm pain

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Mar 18, 2015
My 16 year old daughter has developed upper arm pain in the triceps and biceps area the last 2 days when she throws overhand. She is also a pitcher, and does not have any pain while pitching. Going to shut down for 3-4 days, and try the ice therapy. Any other suggestions?
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
My 16 year old daughter has developed upper arm pain in the triceps and biceps area the last 2 days when she throws overhand. She is also a pitcher, and does not have any pain while pitching. Going to shut down for 3-4 days, and try the ice therapy. Any other suggestions?

Have you spoken with a doctor or a PA or a trainer?

What was it sluggers said, that getting medical or legal advice on an online forum is a little risky...
May 7, 2008
All I want to say, is that during my last year of softball (Casey, IL.) I had all kinds of upper arm pain. I would play ball and ice it and repeat. But, I was 10 years older than your daughter. If it lasts over 2 days, see a good ortho guy. When I finally couldn't lift my arm anymore, my ortho guy was in Springfield. He is the best. I think his name is Dr. Adare. Arm pain hurts very much.
Jan 17, 2013
Amy you can't compare it to those days. You probably didn't use seat belts, rode in the back of pickups or on the arm rest in the middle of the back seat when you were a kid and even rode a bike without a helmet. :)
Mar 25, 2011
I would suggest a protein drink / shake of some type. One before bed and one when she wakes up to start for the first couple days. Then just a protein shake before bed. See if that helps, protein is a magic pill for sore / recovering muscles. If you don't see improvement pretty quickly while doing this, meaning 2-3 days, I would get to a doctor, and get some professional advice.
Oct 16, 2014
My DD had upper arm pain. It was in her bicep right above the creas in her elbow. It would start in practices about 30 minutes in, right after warm up throwing. And proceed to bother her during fielding especially when she threw hard across the field. I took her to an orthopedist (as a follow up because she was hit in the elbow on that arm with a bat during All-Star try outs earlier that year- different injury-I was worried it was related) . They thoroughly looked at it and decided it was from repetitive over use. Told us to use a compression sleeve,rest ice, anti-infalmmatories. She used it for a while but what really helped was constant reminder to use proper throwing mechanics and rest when it started to hurt. Then we went into winter and she had a good rest period, saw a fielding coach and just worked and worked on mechanics, and it hasn't bothered her since. DD has a strong arm and I think somewhere down the line she was giving each throw 110% when most of them could have been 80-90% and achieved the same outcome.
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Mar 28, 2013
Not to be the debbie downer in the room, but a red flag should be going off in your head. If she said pain rather than discomfort, this is cause for concern. My best advice is to stop immediately and seek a professional opinion. This is where I went wrong, I waited until I couldn't move my arm anymore before I went to a doctor. Keep icing and taking an anti-inflammatory pain med, see a doctor, and take it a day at a time. As having been through this before, let me know if you have any questions.

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