Unsafe and Toxic Culture-UH Softball

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Dec 6, 2019
I have heard negative things from this program for many years first hand from players. This podcast confirms some of the things I heard. Due your homework people!!! The type of things are happening in other programs. Why is there so much player and coach turnover year over year??? Even if you get your education paid, it is not worth it. I am glad these guys are talking about it, when no one else will.

Being able to do the homework, or knowing what homework to do is certainly on our minds right now. It's scary thinking about what to dismiss and what to take seriously. When all this type of stuff came out about Jane Washington and Eastern Kentucky a year ago or 2, we thought well she's obviously going to be fired. But not only was she not fired, we still see kids committing there. Like how could you do that? We can't fathom anyone sending their kid there with all the information that is publicly available. That will be the same in this situation. People convince themselves that it won't be that bad, or they've changed, or whatever. It's truly scary.
Dec 2, 2013
Being able to do the homework, or knowing what homework to do is certainly on our minds right now. It's scary thinking about what to dismiss and what to take seriously. When all this type of stuff came out about Jane Washington and Eastern Kentucky a year ago or 2, we thought well she's obviously going to be fired. But not only was she not fired, we still see kids committing there. Like how could you do that? We can't fathom anyone sending their kid there with all the information that is publicly available. That will be the same in this situation. People convince themselves that it won't be that bad, or they've changed, or whatever. It's truly scary.
It is best to talk with parents and players that are at a particular school or who may left.

  • How was your experience?
  • How does the coach run games and lineups?
  • Was the player an everyday starter or sat the bench?
  • Can a freshman break into the lineup?
  • How are the coaches demeanors?
  • How does the coach run practices? Are they 3 or 5 hours a day?
  • Does the coach allow the players to eat with their families at away games?
  • Does the coach hold back food/nutrition based on their mood or how the team played?
  • Does the coach try to change your swing or pitching mechanics?
  • Does the coach make it hard to go home on weekends?
  • Does the coach make you text them at the end of the night when you get back to your dorm/apt?
  • What kind of players are recruited?
  • How do families act in the stands during games?
Add any more that you can think of that might help parents during their recruiting journey.


DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
It is best to talk with parents and players that are at a particular school or who may left.

  • How was your experience?
  • How does the coach run games and lineups?
  • Was the player an everyday starter or sat the bench?
  • Can a freshman break into the lineup?
  • How are the coaches demeanors?
  • How does the coach run practices? Are they 3 or 5 hours a day?
  • Does the coach allow the players to eat with their families at away games?
  • Does the coach hold back food/nutrition based on their mood or how the team played?
  • Does the coach try to change your swing or pitching mechanics?
  • Does the coach make it hard to go home on weekends?
  • Does the coach make you text them at the end of the night when you get back to your dorm/apt?
  • What kind of players are recruited?
  • How do families act in the stands during games?
Add any more that you can think of that might help parents during their recruiting journey.
Are the HC and AC sleeping together off the books? That's another red flag.
May 27, 2013
It is best to talk with parents and players that are at a particular school or who may left.

  • How was your experience?
  • How does the coach run games and lineups?
  • Was the player an everyday starter or sat the bench?
  • Can a freshman break into the lineup?
  • How are the coaches demeanors?
  • How does the coach run practices? Are they 3 or 5 hours a day?
  • Does the coach allow the players to eat with their families at away games?
  • Does the coach hold back food/nutrition based on their mood or how the team played?
  • Does the coach try to change your swing or pitching mechanics?
  • Does the coach make it hard to go home on weekends?
  • Does the coach make you text them at the end of the night when you get back to your dorm/apt?
  • What kind of players are recruited?
  • How do families act in the stands during games?
Add any more that you can think of that might help parents during their recruiting journey.
Does the coach put softball BEFORE academics?

Does the coach put the best 9 players on the field - or play obvious favorites?

Does the coach blame losses on individuals instead of the team as a whole?

Does the coach have positive things to say about each and every player on the team?
Feb 7, 2014
Being able to do the homework, or knowing what homework to do is certainly on our minds right now. It's scary thinking about what to dismiss and what to take seriously. When all this type of stuff came out about Jane Washington and Eastern Kentucky a year ago or 2, we thought well she's obviously going to be fired. But not only was she not fired, we still see kids committing there. Like how could you do that? We can't fathom anyone sending their kid there with all the information that is publicly available. That will be the same in this situation. People convince themselves that it won't be that bad, or they've changed, or whatever. It's truly scary.
Eastern Kentucky has had an assistant position open for a long time..

Could be coincidence.
Apr 20, 2018
Sadly, this is happening at my daughter's college. It's wildly inappropriate, and a bad conflict of interest.
I don't think having a relative on the coaching staff is necessarily a bad thing. It could be but I would call it a red flag.
Somebody mentioned coaches should have something nice to say to every player. Is it that hard to be a decent human being? Yesterday, Gasso decides to switch pitchers after a couple hits in the 3rd inning. I could read her lips. She looked the pitcher in the eye told her, we needed you today and you did great. That really shouldn't be that hard to do but some coaches don't get it. You get better results with the carrot than the stick.
One other thing about OK hitters/coaching. They all have a routine that includes a deep slow breath. When the camera show a close up of their face as the exhale they look like a wild animal locking in on their prey. Coaches that ignore and don't work on the mental aspect of the game and just think more reps and yelling at players will get the job done is a red flag to me.
I want an intelligent coach.
May 27, 2013
I find all of this very interesting because I actually ran into DD’s old TB coach last week. We were talking about our previous teams and the recruiting process and how many of our players had quit softball during college, transferred to a different school, or shared very negative experiences during their college careers.

It’s sad, really, to think that some of these coaches put on a fake persona during the recruiting process and all of a sudden it’s like a different coach once the player steps foot on campus to start college. I don’t understand it. Never will. Some people are just not meant to be coaches nor should they be entrusted to be such a big part of a young adult’s life for the first time they leave their home.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I don't think having a relative on the coaching staff is necessarily a bad thing. It could be but I would call it a red flag.
Somebody mentioned coaches should have something nice to say to every player. Is it that hard to be a decent human being? Yesterday, Gasso decides to switch pitchers after a couple hits in the 3rd inning. I could read her lips. She looked the pitcher in the eye told her, we needed you today and you did great. That really shouldn't be that hard to do but some coaches don't get it. You get better results with the carrot than the stick.
One other thing about OK hitters/coaching. They all have a routine that includes a deep slow breath. When the camera show a close up of their face as the exhale they look like a wild animal locking in on their prey. Coaches that ignore and don't work on the mental aspect of the game and just think more reps and yelling at players will get the job done is a red flag to me.
I want an intelligent coach.
What a nice post! I couldn't just hit the "like button." I loved seeing the deep breaths and then the players saying something to themselves as they refocused after each pitch.