too nervous to perform

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Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
Dang! I saw you posted and thought you were going to comment on mine. I was going to tell you I was all out of inane platitudes and to wait for SCDad to post. I'm sure he could come up with a few more!:rolleyes:


Mar 8, 2012
South Carolina
What it is her catcher like? I know when mine has a good catcher that can do the simple things like catch the ball and block a ball she does much better. When she pitches to a catcher that is well kind of sucks she tends to slow down.

I would say most of her stress is coming from the negative coach. Nothing else to it or unless there is some hidden drama among the girls.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Catcher is an absolute beast...all around game.
The more I think about it, the more it boils down to the AC. On a related side note, dd was awarded the starting F4 position plus her bat was was so strong in the beginning, and in practices as well as the scrimmages. It was the night before the first official game of the season, the AC tells dd that the senior on the team has decided she would like to have that spot. Despite the fact that she has NEVER played F4 in her life, and to add insult she hasn't even played softball since she was a little kid. Last night this kid missed every single play that came her way. Couldn't even handle a simple pop up that came right to her! Yet dd remained on the bench. Then when this girl bats.... casted out, looping, wrist rolling, no movement in her legs, no hips turning, head pulled off the ball....It was unbelievable! I have 9year old rec league kids that could out play her. Bottom line was dd was PISSED! She and everyone there knew she was a better player. But because this other kid is a senior, she got the nod.
So by the time she finally got in the game as a relief pitcher, the game was already lost.
Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
DD is sort of in same boat. Her performance in HS pales in comparison to TB. She is really struggling with the attitude from players and lack of respect from players and coaches. She had such a different expectation of HS ball, and it seems like all that she hoped it would be has failed her. Anyhow, we are just anxious to get past this season and move on. Next year will be better (and so will she)...

In your DD's case, it could definitely be the dynamics of the HS team (including coaches). IF anything, it will only make her focus/drive stronger, even if it doesn't seem so now...
Aug 31, 2011
DD is sort of in same boat. Her performance in HS pales in comparison to TB. She is really struggling with the attitude from players and lack of respect from players and coaches. She had such a different expectation of HS ball, and it seems like all that she hoped it would be has failed her. Anyhow, we are just anxious to get past this season and move on. Next year will be better (and so will she)...

In your DD's case, it could definitely be the dynamics of the HS team (including coaches). IF anything, it will only make her focus/drive stronger, even if it doesn't seem so now...

This was my DD as well, HS was a giant let down for her to the point that she doesn't want to play next season (GA plays in the fall) I told her to give it one more shot, maybe the sophomore year will be better then the freshman hazing she had to go through, if not, this will be the last year she plays.
Jul 4, 2012
Several issues here. Only one or two standout TB players on a HS team spells disaster for the team chemistry and even for the TB players. The other players are intimidated and the negative tone will make the TB players drop their level of play. No easy short - term answer. Long - term answer is to get as many HS players on a TB team to grow together.
Jun 24, 2013
I think be patient and hope a light will go off in her head and she will explode. If her teammates are supporting her it is just a matter of time. Living with a jerk coach is hard, ask my DW. DD will learn to tone him out.

(DD had one. I asked her what he was yelling at her about. She said she didn't know because she was not listening. :))
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Softball is my obsession
Apr 8, 2014
Willoughby, Ohio
Aside from the coach being a douche, could it be a case of playing at the level of her competition/team? I have seen that happen many times. A really good TB player playing mediocre like her surroundings for fear that her school friends would be upset for "showing them up"? Just a different thought.
Feb 3, 2011
Bottom line was dd was PISSED! She and everyone there knew she was a better player. But because this other kid is a senior, she got the nod.
So by the time she finally got in the game as a relief pitcher, the game was already lost.

I don't believe many people would like that AC, but like Riseball said, she just needs to focus on what she can control. Starters, lineup, and field positions are the COACH's decisions, not the players'. She should be prepared to contribute to her team's success whenever her number is called and then go out and do her job when it is.


Don't like labels
Sep 13, 2013
Dumfries, VA
I believe that playing for your school has a lot more pressure than playing tb. I said before in another thread if you have a bad weekend in tb, there is always next weekend. The possible ramifications of losing one or two school games is huge in standings. Plus at a tb tournament, who cares if you have a bad day other than coaches, teammates and parents. School settings are entirely different. If you screw up, word can get around and then you have to deal with all of the social aspects that come with vindictive teenagers.