too nervous to perform

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Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Dd plays for her travel team like a beast. Was a steady #3 batter with only 6 strike outs in all last season.
Pitches in the mid to upper 50's but has awesome spin/movement. However for some reason while playing HS ball she clams up, swings the bat uninspired with none of the power she demonstrates in practice or last summer. And then while pitching tonight, her speed was an embarrassing 40ish with weak spin. I was more confused as to what the hell happened to her?!?!
No injuries to speak of... just scared to death for some reason? What can I do to help her?
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Did she ever play up in TB with success? If so you may want to remind her that she has been there and done that. The players she is facing in HS are the same as what she faced in TB. I would also make sure she is focused on the "controllables" and let everything else take care of itself.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Teammates seem to be supportive. TB is an entire different player? The opponents in TB are much tougher than what she's seeing in HS. She was dominate last summer and now its like she's shaking out of her shoes?
The asst. coach in HS was a former TB coach of hers and she loathes him. Hate just isn't a strong enough word. Shes always coming home saying how he said this or that. I think he intimidates the crap out of her.
If you remember a post of mine a week ago about him yelling at her in a scrimmage game when she ran into a tag, on a basic ground ball to F4 while dd was on 1st.
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Dec 25, 2010
Teammates seem to be supportive. TB is an entire different player? The opponents in TB are much tougher than what she's seeking in HS. She was dominate last summer and now its like she's shaking out of her shoes?
The asst. coach in HS was a former TB coach of hers and she loathes him. Hate just isn't a strong enough word. She always coming home saying how he said this or that. I think he intimidates the crap out of her.
If you remember a post of mine a week ago about him yelling at her in a scrimmage game when she ran into a tag, on a basic ground ball to F4 while dd was on 1st.
I think you just answered your own question. Sounds like she's afraid to make another mistake
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Teammates seem to be supportive. TB is an entire different player? The opponents in TB are much tougher than what she's seeking in HS. She was dominate last summer and now its like she's shaking out of her shoes?
The asst. coach in HS was a former TB coach of hers and she loathes him. Hate just isn't a strong enough word. She always coming home saying how he said this or that. I think he intimidates the crap out of her.
If you remember a post of mine a week ago about him yelling at her in a scrimmage game when she ran into a tag, on a basic ground ball to F4 while dd was on 1st.

That tool? No wonder she is having problems. She just needs to focus on her game and have a mind over matter philosophy.

Don't mind him, because he don't matter.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
Without knowing all of the dynamics of the situation, it's always difficult to offer advice. However, continue to be supportive, as I know you have been, and let her know that she is a much better player than she has shown. Also let her know, that no matter what happens and how she performs in a HS game, you are still her Dad, will always love her and will always be proud of her. Then tell her that the competitive spirit must come from within and tell her to go find it because she's not the same player that you normally see against far better competition. Last, tell her that to play in fear of making a mistake will only cause her to make far more. If she's going to make a mistake, do it being overly aggressive and if that douchebag of an AC wants to make something of it, then you might have to step in and stomp him. JK about the stomping but it might get a smile and give some comic relief. If the Ac doesn't know the game, which apparently he doesn't, then it might be time for you to tell DD to have a sit down with the HC or AD...possibly both...preferably with the entire team backing her up and standing with her during the meeting.
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Nov 26, 2010
Dd plays for her travel team like a beast. Was a steady #3 batter with only 6 strike outs in all last season.
Pitches in the mid to upper 50's but has awesome spin/movement. However for some reason while playing HS ball she clams up, swings the bat uninspired with none of the power she demonstrates in practice or last summer. And then while pitching tonight, her speed was an embarrassing 40ish with weak spin. I was more confused as to what the hell happened to her?!?!
No injuries to speak of... just scared to death for some reason? What can I do to help her?

Does she know that her lack of speed is embarrassing?
Oct 10, 2011
HS Pains

I feel for you James. I'm finding that performing in front of her close friends/teachers etc... is much more stressful for our girl than TB is. It started after she made a throwing error. She started trying not to make mistakes and of course then it just got worse. She doesn't even look like herself on either side of the field and the last 2 weeks have been miserable.
I hope they both can loosen up a bit and perform like we know they can. I hope DD gets another chance soon.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
The lack of speed being embarrassing are my words, not hers. As most of you know, I'm a PC as well. When she performs like that, I feel as if its a reflection of me as her coach too. And no, I'm not living through her. I've had mine and now I only want her to be successful in whatever she's doing.