This weather is BRUTAL!

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Jan 8, 2013
South Carolina
I have new found respect for all of you up north that have to deal with the winter weather. This weather in the south this year has been brutal and causing problems with practice and games.

Just this week practice cancelled twice, one scrimmage cancelled, the weekend tournament cancelled. We just don't have the indoor facilities like a lot of places up north.

I am done with this and hope spring gets here fast. I'm sure in the the south we will just skip spring and go straight to 95+ degrees every day.
Dec 7, 2011
Way up here in the arctic circle indoor facilities are few and far between. Then ya gotta battle all the other "priority sports" taking time away. Then of course SB is after the "priority gender" in the pecking order. Icing on the cake is the additional cost of indoor facilities.

Leaving not that much extra winter opportunity for many of our DD's.

Where has that lunatic grifter Al Gore been hiding anyways....? I still need to talk to him about where he wants his punch (100% power after this winter) ;-)
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Monday we had a nice storm come thru. 5" of pure ice, not snow, at my house. I just worked from home that day. It was so bad my DD's old HS was closed all week.

From about 9am to noon I pulled out folks stuck on the roads. They weren't very smart for attempting the streets, but I met some nice folks that were happy to see me and the 4x4. I had fun!!

If global warming gets any worse, we're going to freeze to death in the south. :)
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May 7, 2008
Wow. I don't miss it. I have to go back to IL. the last week of March, though.
It is really hot here, today. Too warm for blue jeans.
Aug 29, 2011
Where has that lunatic grifter Al Gore been hiding anyways....? I still need to talk to him about where he wants his punch (100% power after this winter) ;-)

If global warming gets any worse, we're going to freeze to death in the south. :)

Guess you guys missed the memo about "shifting weather patterns" with "warmer summers and colder winters"

Meanwhile it's 65 and sunny here. Looking forward to opening day tomorrow.
Jun 7, 2013
Those global warming advocates really got a good thing going. Whether it is hot or it
is cold, it proves their theory is correct!!!
Dec 7, 2011
Guess you guys missed the memo about "shifting weather patterns" with "warmer summers and colder winters"

Didn't get that memo but I did get the one that concluded AGW is an incontrovertibly proven monumental hoax, supported only by junk science, incorrect mathematics, and corrupt politicians.

We are already below IPCC's coolest extreme window possibility further proving globull warming IS based on a bad model and IS bad science altogether(but effective in raping our tax dollars! - always follow the money.....)
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
After working for the Fed for 19 years, I've learned anytime "they" feel the need to change a name/program name ( global warming to climate change ), it was usually BS from the start.

We better be careful, Mr Sluggers probably has his finger on lock button as we speak. ;)

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