Things College Softball Announcers Can Quit Saying 2022 Edition

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Jul 5, 2016
A ramble here...

I'm getting a bit tired of too much focus on individual pitchers. Softball is still a team sport even if all performances are individual

Nijaree Canady is certainly a great pitcher, but we are seeing in any number of games that it takes a team. Good teams will figure her out.

I wonder why Lexi Kilfoyl left Alabama. Maybe she was tired of all of the focus on Montana Fouts.
May 22, 2024
Less is More.

Almost all of the commentary can be done without. So much of it is little more than filler intended to avoid dead air. Personally, I wish they would just use a microphone to pick up the sound of the field and leave it at that. An occasional commentary during an unusual situation would be fine. But the constant analyzing and talk detracts from the experience.

I don't want to listen to some color analyst looking into their crystal ball and trying to act as if they know what a player, coach, or team is thinking. Nor do I need a play by play since I can see it on the screen. Why do I need someone telling me what I just saw with my own eyes?

The chatter becomes tiring after 15 or 20 minutes. So, i will actually turn the sound off on my TV, adding my own commentary from time to time on a good play or bad call. It actually feels more like being at a live game this way. Again, if they just used a mike to pick up the field noise, then I'd be a happy camper. This goes for all sports. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to apply this when I listen to games on the radio.
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Jul 5, 2016
I watched the UCLA Oklahoma game. Great game. Kudos to the pitchers for great performances under pressure.

The microphone was close to the UCLA dugout. Noisy dugout. I wonder if what we were hearing is what the pitcher was hearing.
May 22, 2024
I miss the days of Vin Scully and his ilk … Announcers who actually engaged you and wanted to make you feel welcome instead of talking down to you to prove how smart they think they are about the game.
I agree. Vin Scully was top notch. Here in newengland we still have one of the great radio announcers. Red Sox - Joe Castiglione (not sure I spelled that correctly). Simple Play by play with baseball history and trivia mixed in at just the right amount. If you happen to tune in mid inning, you can often tell how the game is going by the subtle difference in his voice.
May 19, 2024
One of the most annoying things I’ve heard is when a girl crushes a ball piped down the middle, belt high, and the announcer says “that’s right in her wheelhouse” like no duh ?
May 18, 2019
My gripe is pitches being miscalled based on locations...high screws are rises, outside drops are curves, change ups are "movement pitches.". Sometime I feel like they get them wrong more than right.
Aug 15, 2021
My gripe is pitches being miscalled based on locations...high screws are rises, outside drops are curves, change ups are "movement pitches.". Sometime I feel like they get them wrong more than right.
...and these comments are from commentators that were also former college pitchers.
Jun 20, 2015
if i hear one more time 2x olympic gold medalist.... blah blah. and the fabulous hitting analyses of "she's able to get around this pitch." vomit emoji
May 18, 2019
I do want to say for any gripes I think overall the coverage is fantastic and I'm thankful for such experienced commentators. I think Beth mowins and Holly Rowe are the best in the business and I appreciate amanda, Michele, cat, etc giving back to the sport and bringing good energy to the broadcasts. Have to be thankful for what we have going here.

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