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Dec 2, 2013
DD graduated and moved home last week. She played her last game as well. She fizzled out towards the end but had an amazing career. She caught every game this year and was wore out mentally and physically.

She hit some milestones and records even with 2 Covid shortened years. Unfortunately, this season she had 2 HR's taken away from her because they weren't able to finish a game due to rain. She hit back-to-back HR's.
  • Career record for Hit by pitch. LOL! This is my favorite. She is a ball magnet and has the bruises to prove it.
  • Career record for Grand Slams
  • Career 2nd in HR's
  • Career 2nd in RBI's
  • 5th in doubles
  • 8 Rbi's in a game-Tied the Conference and School record for most RBI's in a game.
  • Graduated and will start her job as a Financial Analyst in June. Her boss and coworkers came out to watch her play when the team travelled to Houston.
I am sad that it is over, but at the same time I am ready for it to be over. I never would have imagined that DD would be able to put together such a nice career. I am thrilled that she was able to make it 4 years! It was nice to hear from freshman parents that DD has been great to their DD's and she really made their 1st year experience good.

I put lots of miles on my truck this season. Been to Abilene TWICE! This whole journey had it's ups and downs, but it truly shaped who she has become. She had to battle through adversity as most of our kids will do. That last hug after her final team meeting was hard. Tears were shed.

I think back, what if we didn't have softball? What would we have done to fill our time? Going forward, I will never have the excuse...we have softball this weekend! I have made lots of friends through softball in real life and here on DFP with all you fake people. LOL!!! I came here for a Demarini CF4 bat review 9 years ago and I stuck around. I learned a lot about the recruiting process and softball, and did my best to pass along what I learned. It's all about finding the right fit and that goes for TB teams too. Such is life right? Now DD and me are just enjoying watching it on TV. It's been a doozy so far.

ETA: Found this link. @erniekru See that catcher's mitt?
Last edited:
May 27, 2022
Congtrat's! "We" finished a few weeks ago as well - couldn't pull myself to write it down like you did.

I would echo a lot of what you said. At the end, it was time. Finished strong, but it definately takes a lot of effort to prepare for the season and to play during the season.

Glad you had a good experience! I tell lot's of younger/new parents to find a hobby with their kids. Something they can work on together - for me and my girls, that was softball.

Now that you have a lot of free time - go be an umpire!

Jan 22, 2011
Now that you have a lot of free time - go be an umpire!

View attachment 27985
Congratulations on the journey. My DD’s journey is over, thought I have about a 5pct hope she talks to the coach at her college about walking on, but that is her decision.

I am staying involved by umpiring and joining the local metro staff.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Congratulations on the journey. It will be different having time to do other things but when you think of your dd's career and now her work career, you will be so glad you took that ride.

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