THAT coach is an......

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May 20, 2015
ha none that i know of

i know it seems like you were speaking of one coach in particular........and you may be spot on with that ONE.......I was speaking more generally - sometimes from the outside things look a little different than the inside

but there are more than one i've come across where what you see is what you get.......

for every lombardi (who was a genius imho) there's 2 parcells - overrated, parcells lived on fear but didn't understand the praise side like lombardi did......lombardi was a psychologist, parcells a tyrant.....and then there's 5 more who just think they are "old school" and act like an rear
Apr 20, 2018
Ok, I didn't read the whole thread but my theory is this:
Asshole College Coaches like players that come out of Asshole TB Programs. This way, they don't have to change and can go on being assholes happily ever after. They like getting players that are use to being ridiculed, belittled, yelled at, and basically mentally abused.
Thank God this type of coaching is on the decline but unfortunately it still has its presence.
Some of the Asshole Coaches are actually very wise and have a deep understanding of the games mechanics, mindset and approach. But they just cant seem to help themselves when it comes to their style of motivation. All stick, no carrot. They truly believe in themselves. It is quite sad.
Maybe the portal will help weed out these coaches. The sooner, the better.

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