Big fish in small pond

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Oct 3, 2011
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And then there's the other aspect of it all. You have those coaches that are big fish in small ponds because 1) they don't feel the need to go to nationals in order to 2) get their players recruited to play at the college level, 3) coach for the love of the game, 4) only want to help their players reach their full potential and 5) see them achieve their dreams of playing college ball at their dream schools. Let's face it, few players, compared to the number of players in a particular area are going to move on to play P5 Major D1. Most of my past players have found and played for their dream school within a 3 hour drive of home. The players I have now, with the exception of 1, are all looking at staying within a 4 hour drive and a majority are looking at staying within a 1 1/2 hour drive. Why? Because we have 5 major D1 schools within that 4 hour drive radius, approximately 18 mid-major D1's, 25+ D2's and a slew of D3's. The other one is looking to go to a particular Major D1 that's in South Bend. She doesn't care if she plays for them are not; she's going and has the grades and ACT scores to do it.

I used to chase the nationals circuit until I realized that I was spending my parent's money needlessly. I didn't feel the need for my team to place in the top 25 and have bragging rights and most of the coaches and parents of those top 25 teams that are on here, don't feel the need to mention it either unless it's to make a very specific point. Once I realized that my ego didn't need stroking, I quit the chase. Now my team fees are $800 for the year with 1 fundraiser and we play 11-12 tournaments, get 2 new uniforms, batpacks, catchers' bags and helmets every year. Also, I realized there was no reason to run all over the country to have my players recruited. I currently have 23 past players, girls I've worked with in hitting or taught and worked with catching playing in college. Total, I've had over 40+ in a 20 year career and can easily see another 15-20 go play within the next 4 years. So, can someone explain to me why I should make my team fees $2500, make my parents spend thousands in travel and hotel costs to have their daughters play in the top showcases across the country only to play for a college within a 3-4 hour drive from home?

Oh...I'm also one of those coaches that is now on my 4th organization or team in 4 years. Why? Because the one I was with for 8 years folded. The next one was a 10U team that was moving up and I preferred to stay with the team but the organization wanted me to stay down and take another 10U team so I moved on. The following year, after a successful season, I had several players leave and was unable to fill the spots due to the President of the organization giving the go ahead to 4 other coaches to try and start their own 14U teams from a very limited/tiny talent pool. So I ended up taking that team to another organization and combining with them. Now they moved up to 16U and I took a new 14U team. So I wouldn't put too much stock in that "statistic" either. Some of us move on from team to team or organizations simply because we have no choice if we want to continue to coach and teach the game.
Last edited:
Mar 10, 2020
What I take from your post is that you don't like "small pond" coaches who you believe are full of themselves. OK...fair enough...they're out there. Sometimes, personalities don't mesh...I've been there. I'm still not sure why it deserves so many words. That coach might not like you, either.
The post could have been longer but stopped short of calling out the usernames on this website that fit the description.
Concur personalities aren't always going to get along.
Aside from that there is certain personalities in the sport and on this website that needed to be called out. It was time.
On the website can see only a handful of people post. There are more readers. Who may find a train wreck entertaining. I do not.
Particularly when it is certain website users disrespecting other people that are trying to use the website for what it is intended for. I see those people as representation of what to stay away from in sports.
If any of the self-proclaimed coaches on this website want to establish a better reputation they should offer their full name, what organization and team they coach for. People on the website can do their own research to make a determination of what they're reading has any real value behind it.
Otherwise its just people sitting at their keyboards with a self proclaimed title trying to effect superiority over others when the probability of who they are is just a big fish in a small pond pumping their egos here.
Mar 10, 2020
Oh...I'm also one of those coaches that is now on my 4th organization or team in 4 years. Why? Because the one I was with for 8 years folded. The next one was a 10U team that was moving up and I preferred to stay with the team but the organization wanted me to stay down and take another 10U team so I moved on. The following year, after a successful season, I had several players leave and was unable to fill the spots due to the President of the organization giving the go ahead to 4 other coaches to try and start their own 14U teams from a very limited/tiny talent pool. So I ended up taking that team to another organization and combining with them. Now they moved up to 16U and I took a new 14U team. So I wouldn't put too much stock in that "statistic" either. Some of us move on from team to team or organizations simply because we have no choice if we want to continue to coach and teach the game.
There is a bulk of your post that are different discussion points. The reasons why you hopped 4 organizations in 4 years are all excuses blamed on the organization. Understand one organization folded. I will point out it is foolish for people to listen to excuses without looking at the bigger picture. There could have been more reasons behind the scenes of why you did not fit in and left year after year. Families that team hop are classified as such coaches should be too.
Mar 10, 2020
Good idea. You start..
Not a coach.
Not a parent looking to stroke my ego either. You post as if you have something to prove to yourself. You have provided representation of what to stay away from on a team. Parents who exhibit behavior like yours would not be tolerated on any of the teams my daughters play for.
Jun 8, 2016
Not a coach.
Sure but you are giving advice here so how should I know whether to believe you or not?

You post as if you have something to prove to yourself.
Again..I have no idea what this even means but I will take your word for it. What am I trying prove? Are parents not allowed to post opinions on this site? Is that my crime? I post when I feel as if I have something to say..just like you did with this thread.

It is amusing to me that certain people over the years get so offended by the things I say or the way I say them.
Concur personalities aren't always going to get along.
Perhaps we can just chalk it up to this.

Parents who exhibit Behavior like yours would not be tolerated on any of the teams my daughters play for.
What kind of behavior is this? Not agreeing with everything people say? Sounds like a coach who isn't willing
to entertain discussion is the type of coach you said to stay away I leave my kid's coaches alone and if it gets to the point where I cannot do it anymore than we leave (only happened once before).

I will say your general point in your first post of researching teams before joining is a good one..
Last edited:
Mar 10, 2020
Sure but you are giving advice here so how should I know whether to believe you or not?

Again..I have no idea what this even means but I will take your word for it.

What kind of behavior is this? Not agreeing with everything people say? Sounds like a coach who isn't willing
to entertain discussion is the type of coach you said to stay away I leave my kid's coaches alone and if it gets to the point where I cannot do it anymore than we leave (only happened once before).

Your general point in your first post of researching teams before joining is a good one..
Given observation from a parents viewpoint. As you have given feedback. You stay away from your daughters coaches only to attack other people posting here. You see the relevance of not bringing that to your daughter's team you bring it here disrespectfully to others.
Jun 8, 2016
You stay away from your daughters coaches only to attack other people posting here.
I don't feel like I am attacking anybody but if you feel that way so be it. I am a wiseass sometimes, I'll give you that. At least everybody can put a name/ (ugly as%) face to my "attacks" and/or wiseass behavior..


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I don't know what kind of fish I was but I was for sure in a puddle and my puddle has now dried up.

Jan 27, 2010
Not a coach.
Not a parent looking to stroke my ego either. You post as if you have something to prove to yourself. You have provided representation of what to stay away from on a team. Parents who exhibit behavior like yours would not be tolerated on any of the teams my daughters play for.
I no longer have a dog in the fight and I'm not trying to be offensive but reading your OP gave the tone of condescension with some sour grapes mixed in for emphasis. Perhaps that is why you are being questioned.

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