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Aug 31, 2015
Hello DFP members,
I was wondering if there is a thread or maybe a separate site that has the explanations for some of the Acronyms/Terms I see used here? I did a search and found a thread on this site that contains a few of the acronyms but it seems to be very old and severely lacking (Ken Krause). Thanks.
Sep 29, 2014
It would help if you threw out the ones you have questions about. Also if you are in a thread and don't understand something don't be afraid to just ask we don't bite....usually
Aug 31, 2015
It would help if you threw out the ones you have questions about. Also if you are in a thread and don't understand something don't be afraid to just ask we don't bite....usually

Understood. I am putting together a list of terms right now. Some I know, Some I don't and some I might have incorrect. I will post them here after I have them all gathered. Hopefully this will help new members who might have the same problem.
Aug 31, 2015
I left the ones blank I didn't know. Please feel free to correct any that I might have wrong.

10u or 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U - age groups.
A$$ -
AC - Assistant Coach
BB -
BI - Brush Interference
BS - Brush Snap
BTW - By the way
D I or D 1 -- NCAA Division I
D3K - Dropped third strike
DBSF - Drop Barrel Swing Flat
DC - Defense Coach (team on field)
DD - Darling Daughter (or some variation)
DFP - Discuss Fastpitch, the name of this forum
DGD - Darling Grand Daughter
DMC - Dumb move catcher
DW - Darling Wife
FP - fastpitch
FWIW - For what it's worth
GAGA - Goes along to get along
HC - Head Coach
HC or HI - Hitting Coach/Instructor
HE - hello elbow
HS - High School
IF - infield
IMHO - in my humble opinion
IMO - in my opinion
IOW - In other words
IR - internal rotation
JMHO - just my humble opinion
MS - Middle School
OC - Offense Coach (team batting)
OF - outfield
PC or PI - Pitching Coach/Instructor
PitC - Princess in the Circle
RB -
SB - could be softball or stolen base. Check the context.
SnF -
SS - ShortStop
TB - Tournament softball


Feb 20, 2012
TB - travel ball, referring to a travel softball team vs. REC or high school

A$$ is a politically correct way of saying rear.

BB - Cannonball's DD (her initials are BB)

MIF - middle infield (SS or 2B)
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May 24, 2013
So Cal
I left the ones blank I didn't know. Please feel free to correct any that I might have wrong.

10u or 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U - age groups.
A$$ - A just-barely-censored version of the word "rear"
AC - Assistant Coach
BB - Base on balls (walk)...or Cannonball's DD
BBD - Baseball Debate
BBF - Baseball Fever
BI - Brush Interference
BS - Brush Snap
BTW - By the way
D I or D 1 -- NCAA Division I
D3K - Dropped third strike
DBSF - Drop Barrel Swing Flat
DC - Defense Coach (team on field)
DD - Darling Daughter (or some variation)
DFP - Discuss Fastpitch, the name of this forum
DGD - Darling Grand Daughter
DMC - Dumb move catcher
DW - Darling Wife
FP - fastpitch
FWIW - For what it's worth
GAGA - Goes along to get along
HC - Head Coach
HC or HI - Hitting Coach/Instructor...or Hitting Illistrated
HE - hello elbow
HS - High School
IF - infield
IMHO - in my humble opinion
IMO - in my opinion
IOW - In other words
IR - internal rotation
JMHO - just my humble opinion
MS - Middle School
OC - Offense Coach (team batting)
OF - outfield
PC or PI - Pitching Coach/Instructor
PitC - Princess in the Circle
RB - Riseball
SB - could be softball or stolen base. Check the context.
SnF - Stretch and Fire
SS - ShortStop
TB - Tournament softball...Travel Ball
WGD - World's Greatest Drill (a drill frequently used by Cannonball's DD during her career).

See bolded ^^^
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